I was so excited to read some short stories from Clark after reading & loving her first two novels! This collection starts off with some bangers, but around halfway through, I felt a bit weary of it all. Even so, if you're a fan of Clark's writing, I think you'll be into this. Lots of surprises, as well as Clark's signature twisted focus on the darker sides of human nature.
Clark is SUPERB at writing some of the grossest stories l've read. The first story, about a woman selling a mysterious weight loss treatment online, was so gross that I had to pause after reading it to collect myself.
That feeling continued across
multiple stories in this collection, so if you're into feeling disgusted, this is the book for you!!
There were some more pleasant surprises, though. Science fiction!! I really enjoyed most of these sci-fi stories, and now I'm left hoping Clark is gonna publish a sci-fi novel next. Her stories were filled with such fantastical imaginations of space and aliens, but firmly grounded by her characters. I loved it!
Not every story blew me away, but this was still a really worthwhile (and quick!) reading experience for me. Stories about women, survival, and darkness populate every page, with some wry, thoughtful observations about our nature and climate change. Thanks @netgalley and @harperperennial for my advanced digital copy!
— initial thoughts below: Some stories really stood out, many were truly disgusting and made me feel a bit nauseous! The latter half of the collection wasn’t as strong for me. The more sci-fi stories surprised and intrigued me! Maybe she should go there w her next novel.
Thanks to the publisher & Netgalley for my advanced digital copy!
It took me awhile to figure out where this winding narrative was going and to really connect with the characters. I wish this was less of a wide-ranging tale, so we could’ve gotten to know characters more. Even so, the latter half really picked up for me and I found it a compelling read.
thought provoking, maybe a bit too smart for little old me! but some lovely moments with gorg writing. enjoyed all the references to other texts and artworks.
At this point, I couldn’t read about this repetitive, frenzied affair any longer. Barely anything changes, and I don’t understand Ida’s deep fascination with Arnold. I’m just not that into affair fiction, which I feel like is really in vogue atm.