bookmarkedjosie's reviews
145 reviews

The Therapist by S.A. Falk

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The Therapist, by S.A. Falk, is a fast-paced thriller, with short chapters.

It was a real page turner! I was captivated from the start. I wanted to know what was gonna happen next and who the copycat murderer is! You get two POVs with the psychiatrist's and the murderer's.

I had my doubts about the final outcome, but I was doubting everything until the last minute! If that's not a sign it's a good read, I don't know what is!

I've always loved a good psychological thriller. I love the whole therapy-themed aspects and this book did not disappoint!

The writing style is really good and keeps the reader into the story! It all flows perfectly and you just don't want to put the book down.

Thank you so much to @netgalley @safalkauthor and @stormbooks_co for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.
Taqawan by Γ‰ric Plamondon

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This is really not my cup of tea. I read this for a bookclub so this review is extremely biased since I'm usually not into historical fiction. This was not an exception.
I was, however, kinda interested in the line story going on with the main character's mentioned. BUT, as soon as the historical parts were coming back, I'd lose focus.
Thankfully, the chapters are very short. 

I didn't really like how it's written. It goes back and forth between information and it kinda seems like your zapping channels on TV, getting random facts about things, and then going back to the story. 

I can see why people enjoy this book. It's very informative and it is quite sad to read how their life is and how they're being treated. 
Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer

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Assistant to the Villain, by Hannah Nicole Maehrer is a medium-paced YA fantasy romcom, with relatively short chapters. 

I really enjoyed this book! It was more YA than I expected it to be, but overall it was really cute and quite funny! It really felt like watching a romcom! 

The storyline and the writing style feels quite young. If you expect spice, don't read it, cause like I said, it's very YA. No spice here πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
There is, however, a slow burn, and it's really cute to read. The whole grumpy and sunshine trope grew on me! 

Now... A CLIFFHANGER??? Really?? Now I have to wait until August to get the next book 😭
Root of Time and Treasure by JB Lassalle

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Root of Time and Treasure, by JB Lassalle, is a fast-paced fantasy, with short chapters. 

I got this book during a Stuff Your Kindle Day on Amazon, so I had no idea what it was gonna be about (because, yes, I only got it because of the cover). 

The book reads very easily and quickly. It's more of a novella really, as it's below 100 pages. It's part of a series, so it sets the mood quite well. 

The main character is stuck in a time loop until she figures out how to save someone. It's pretty interesting! There's magic but in a normal universe (pretty much in today's time, with cars, phones etc...). 

Being a shorter book, it felt a little rushed and I would've taken more of the plot and characters, but it was overall a good read! I'm curious to see what happens next. 
The Inmate by Freida McFadden

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The Inmate, by Freida McFadden, is a fast-paced psychological thriller, with short chapters. 

I got this book on NetGalley, as an ARC, but from what I see, it's actually an old book that's been republished. So I'm a little late to the game, but here I am! Hahaha

It's not the first Freida McFadden book I read, and like the others, it reads very easily. The writing is nice and keeps you entertained. 

I enjoyed the book overall, but I guessed most of the plot twists. Not all of them though, that's why it's still a 3.5. BUT, I have to say that some plot twists were unrealistic and a bit far-fetched. Even if I didn't get all the plot twists right, it wasn't all that surprising. 

The main character was super naive, and may I even say, stupid πŸ˜… I really didn't care much for or about her. 
The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose

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The Perfect Marriage, by Jeneva Rose, is a fast-paced whodunnit mystery, with short chapters. 

It's told in dual POVs, alternating between the husband's and wife's sides. 

The book really is fast-paced and you want to keep going, chapter after chapter. You get plot twists after plot twists and although I guessed a lot of them, I still wasn't totally right about the ending! It is quite predictable, but I still enjoyed it. 

I really like law related things (series, movies, books...) so it was right up my alley. There were a couple law things that didn't make sense but I let it slide because I still wanted to know what was gonna happen and I was really entertained all throughout the book. 

Some characters really got under my skin. Sometimes, I couldn't believe what I was reading. I put myself in the main character's shoes and I couldn't imagine having to hear about your husband's affair in so much detail, and yet, still having to defend him. 

I wish we got more court stuff, more back and forth between lawyers etc... But overall, the book was well written and I'm curious to see what other books the author wrote.