bookobsessedfamily's reviews
97 reviews

To Free the Rising Storm by C.N. Maxwell

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Mae hasn't had the easiest life. She was born with unnaturally white hair which many believe is a curse. Her father abuses her thinking she's a demon.

When she's attacked by the man she's meant to marry, she jolts him with a shock of magic she didn't know she had.

Now she's on a mission to figure it all out. But can she trust her new friends? Will she solve the mystery in time and free the rising storm, or die in the process?

I am a lover of fantasy and this is what I want in a fantasy book. The world-building is amazing and the character development is on point. C. N. Maxwell even creates her own languages that are used throughout the book, but don't worry she includes a guide IN THE FRONT of the book, NOT the back, which is another huge plus, as well as footnotes.

This is a thick book and starts slow, which is typical of fantasy books, but picks up around 60%. In the end, there's a ton of action and a lot happening.

I can't wait to read the next one.
A Kingdom of Flame and Fury by Whitney Dean

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At 10 years old Raven became the queen of Seolia. For 15 years she has ruled, but she has also kept a secret, she possesses magic. A mysterious stranger starts spreading rumors about her magic and she must figure out who, why, and if those in her kingdom will still accept her with her magic. As she starts learning more about her past, and her secrets start coming out, her kingdom, and her life, will be changed forever. 
I can't put this book down and that's horrible because it's THICK, so I have stayed up way too late to read this and I can't wait for the next book. 

There's some serious spice, but it's done in a way that doesn't take away from the overall plot, which I like. 

The world-building is well done. We learn a little about the world and each of the kingdoms throughout the book. There's enough information at the beginning that you understand what's happening, but not so much that you are confused or the book is too slow to start. 

The characters are well-developed and I find myself invested in Raven and wanting the best for her. 

The twists keep coming and I never see them coming. I love that I can't figure out what's happening or who I can and can't trust, it's what keeps me reading. 

I can't wait to read the next book. 
The Ruptured Sky by Jessica A. McMinn

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Princess Amika flees her homeland the night before her wedding searching for answers about her magical abilities. She makes a living by hunting demons. 

She finds herself in danger and is rescued by a young man who is around Amika's age, or so she thinks. She ends up entangled in his grandfathers prophecy, searching for things that may or may not exist. 

Will Amika follow the prophecy to her supposed destiny, or will she make her own path?
Initially this is a very slow burn, but it picks up around 50%. 

The characters are well-developed and there's a mystery as to if some are really trustworthy. 

The world-building is great and most of the reason the first half is slow. There's a good bit of gruesome death (beheading) and torture as well. 

I look forward to reading the second book in the series. 
Secrets of a Rose by Adina Chiles

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It's tradition for all of age to attend a ball at the palace so everyone can feel like royalty for a night. 

Mellana and her friends all attend expecting it to be something they have never experienced. What they didn't expect was for it to change their lives forever. Now they are on the run and finding secrets. Will they uncover the secrets in time to save their kingdom?
I am beyond obsessed with this book, and the whole series. The world-building is amazing. The characters are well-developed and relatable. Most of them are likable. 

There are so many questions and as one gets answered, 5 more come up, but in a good way. I am not sure how she keeps everything straight, but she does an amazing job of it. 

I cannot say enough about this book and how amazing it is. You will not be disappointed if you love fantasy books. 
Bleed by Kell Frillman

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Following a bought with C0VID, Calliope is diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer requiring frequent transfusions. As time goes on, the cancer becomes more common and blood more scarce. Calliope must resort to other means to get the blood she needs. 

It turns out the increase in cancer isn't random. It's planned and opens Calliope's eyes to a whole new world. 
There's tons of spice and all the triggers in this one. There were some inconsistencies that threw me off, but not enough to impact the plot. 

Overall not a bad book if you like smut. The spice starts within the first 5% of the book, but in the last 30% or so it dies off a good bit and focuses more on the plot. 

I was given an ARC copy of this book, this is my honest review. 
The Younglings: Fire & Magic by Helena M Craggs

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Quinn and his group of friends are, mostly, all supernatural beings tasked with protecting innocents. When one of their own is a target, they have to figure out how to protect her. 
This is a super slow burn. It's also written for a young-ish audience. There's some steam, maybe like 1 🌶 but I would still say this is more for an 18+ audience. 

The characters are well developed and the idea is good, there's just a lot of unnecessary things included in my opinion. It also takes a while to get to the actual conflict where it impacts the main characters. This is the second book in the series but can be read as a stand-alone. 

There is a lot of great LGBTQ+ representation. 

Thank you to the author and @breysbooktours for the chance to read and review this book.
The Forgotten Keychains by Julian Kennedy

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Dannie (they/them) and Ashlyn (she/her) find some keychains hidden in a house during a real estate photo shoot. They aren't supposed to take things from houses, but Dannie can't stop themself. 

Those keychains may just be the key to solving some of Dannie's mental health issues. But how far will they go to get answers? 
This is a mystery/thriller with several twists that I didn't see coming, and some things I did see coming. 

It is multiple POV, which I generally like, but I think there's a point where it's too much. With 5+ points of view and moving back and forth in time, I felt that this one got confusing at times. I felt there were some points of view that could have been left out without impacting the overall story. 

The good part about this book is there is tons of representation. One of the main characters is non-binary with other LGBTQ+ representations throughout. 

This can be a very triggering book. It starts with a kidnapping, restraining, and implied SA. There's murder and heavy drug and alcohol abuse. There is also PTSD and other mental health issues as well as domestic abuse. 
A Legacy of Poison and Lies by Victoria J. Price

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TW: Death, gore, pain, near death experience, grief

Zylah is back on the run. She has left everyone she loves behind, at least those who are left. She feels like she's a curse and doesn't want to cause more pain. 

The lump in her back is slowly killing her, but before she dies she vows to stop Marcus. Will she succeed before it's too late?

I can't say too much about this book without spoiling parts of book 1, but this one doesn't disappoint. Somehow it's better than the first. 

There's even more world building going on here. The twists keep coming. Some I suspected, but others I had no clue were about to pop up. 

Victoria Price knows how to keep us coming back for more, while also making us not so happy with her. I am still recovering from the ending. I don't want to give away too much, but it's a major cliff hanger, emotional, and makes me angry. 

All that said, I can't wait for the next book. Seriously, please hurry up 😂 I don't know how I will wait a year!!

Thank you to the author for the chance to read and review the book. This is my honest review. 
A Legacy of Storms and Starlight by Victoria J. Price

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TW: Death, Gore, mention of attempted SA

Zylah is on the run for killing the prince. She's not sure how she escaped the gallows, but ones things for sure, the king will search for her until she has paid for her crime. 

Zylah learns that much of what she learned and knew growing up was a lie. Can she help form a plan to kill a corrupt king, while also learning the truth about her past, so she can live her life?
This book is so good. The world building is amazing. It's all from Zylah's point of view and she's a complicated girl. She knows nothing of her true heritage and she's trying to navigate complicated feelings while figuring out who she can trust. 

I have a big issue with the ending, but only because a character I liked was killed off, we all have that issue. 😉 

There is some spice, but not a lot. 

This book kept me up way too late reading it. I am currently reading book 2 and it doesn't disappoint. 
A Bargain of Blood and Gold by Kristin Jacques

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Jonathan is a novice vampire hunter. As part of the conclusion to his training he is tasked with getting rid of the vampire in Cress Haven. Once he sees the body of the first victim though, he knows it's not a vampire he's hunting.

Jonathan teams up with locals Vic and Alyse to try to find out who, or what, is killing young girls. Will they find the answers they need before someone else dies?
As mentioned, there is some MM romance, but no steam, mostly just some kissing and s3xual tension. I wouldn't consider this romance as the plot takes precedence and the romance seems to be more of an add on. There is a lot of gore and death as well.

I enjoyed this book a lot. There was a lot going on and it was very fast paced. There were also a lot of twists that I didn't see coming.

There's some mystery mixed in with everything and the ending was something I didn't see coming. Because of the ending, I can't wait to read the next book, but it's not a huge cliffhanger.