Synopsis: Set in 1950s Arkansas, Sugar tells the tell of the unlikely friendship which forms between young prostitute Sugar Lacey and grieving mother Pearl Taylor. When Sugar moves next door to Pearl, she immediately scandalizes the town sitting naked in her front room and receiving clients into her home. But Pearl and Sugar are drawn to each, and both are still very much dealing with their traumatic pasts.
I had been looking into McFadden’s catalog ever since reading A Praise Song for the Butterflies. So when I had the chance to read Sugar, I jumped at it, and I was not disappointed. Definitely in my top 10 reads of last year. I loved McFadden’s development and treatment of both women, the way she handled the racism prevalent at that time, and how small towns can sometimes be too insular if you don't fit the mold. I was sad to leave the two friends at the end, but then I discovered there was a part 2 to Sugar’s story, and I immediately ordered it. I can’t wait to dive into This Bitter Earth next! Five stars from me and would recommend.
After a "23 and Me"-like DNA test reveals Abby has an older sister, Savvy, there's only one course of action but for the two to meet up at summer camp! While Abby and Savvy are dealing with the complications of why their biological parents gave Savvy up for adoption, they're also both getting to know one another and sorting out their complicated love life.
I really enjoyed the characters, Lord's witty writing, and her continued focus on food (I now want a lasagna ball)! I loved Tweet Cute and the interplay of the characters there, so this was always going to be a hard follow-up and it didn't quite live up to my markedly-high expectations. This was also not aided by the use of a miscommunication by two of the characters. Miscommunication is not a favorite of mine--so take this with a grain of salt--and here, it was slightly ameliorated by the fact that this is YA and the characters are young, and the fact the miscommunication was spurned on by a third party.
Overall, this was a very cute start to the New Year! 3.5 stars from me, and I can't wait to see what Lord does next!
I received a free copy of this book from @NetGalley in exchange for my review.