booksabrewin's reviews
496 reviews

The Reign of Kings by Candice Wright

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Reign has learned to be a tough nut to crack having been raised in a house full of five brothers. All her brothers are in various branches of police service and Reign remains the rebel who chose to be a mechanic instead. She doesn't take abuse from anyone which is what has made her a constant presence in her father and brothers' precinct for a dressing down by the family. It is there she runs into the creepy Captain that seems to have set his sights on Reign and is determined to make her his. Add to that the fact the Reign seems to acquire a stalker that is starting to go to the extreme to try to get her attention. When her stalker starts making threats to her life and her family's she sees no other choice but to flee. Her boss from the mechanic shop she works out offers her a place to go: The Kings of Carnage mother chapter. When she shows up she is mistaken for another sweet butt and has to literally slap some sense into the men to garner some respect. Unfortunate for her that her slap is to the face of one of the presidents of the club and now she has his attention along with the other presidents. In no time they are announcing their claim of her as their old lady and Reign is thrust in the world of MCs and the wrong side of the law. Can they protect her from her stalker and can she protect her heart from them?

Reign was by far my favorite of the female protagonists. She had me absolutely roaring with laughter with some of her snarky remarks. She refuses to take any lip from any of the men and was firm but fair with the other MC members and sweet butts. Even when one of them decides that she is going to try to make Reign's life a living hell. She showed very little fear and was fast to throw herself into situations to shoulder the brunt of punishment over her family and friends being subjected to it. She is an all around great woman.

Reign's men were similar to Luna and Megan's but in this instance Bates was the resident psychopath that only has a sweet spot for Reign. Priest was the hard ass stoic type who carried the weight of his entire MC on his shoulders so he felt responsible for anything going wrong. And Saint was the chill and quiet type who was completely smitten with Reign from the very beginning. I have a thing for the crazy men with a heart of gold so Bates won me over full stop.

As was the case with the second book the third was even better. Maybe because it had a lick of comedy to lighten the subject matter which made it even more enjoyable or perhaps because I had such a strong bond with the female protagonist. Or, maybe Ms. Wright has found her literary sweet spot and is riding that rhythm to the best of her capabilities. Whatever the reason, I can firmly say that this series is worth the read.

Sully by Penelope Black

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With her mother giving herself up to Alaina's captor and giving her time to escape the crumbling building with her battered friend, Alaina finally gets to see her mother as redeemable. Her cold mother who had always held her at arm's length may have done so in a misguided attempt to keep her safe but had ultimately isolated Alaina from the bond she so desperately wanted. Perhaps that was why her mother stayed behind as the building started to crumble. Maybe that was why she had sent all this information to her aunt about her life to this point so that Alaina may know more about her life and the reason her father died. It seems their family had a role in the Fitzpatrick boys' life even before she knew them properly. The mysteries unfold in the final book of the trilogy and Alaina finally finds peace and love within the arms of her three warriors. But there is still the matter of who put the hit out on Alaina to be kidnapped. And the source of that ultimate evil comes in the most surprising of places.

After a few books of slow burn finally there is some real action going on. It was about time, but whereas a few books ago I was very upset with the lack of action, this didn't upset me as much. Because at least once it heated up it scorched off the pages. I loved the dynamic they had where the men still felt that possessive jealousy but were willing to put it aside for each other. They never came to blows over ownership of Alaina and assuaged her guilt over wanting more than just one of them. However, you could definitely tell that there was a far deeper bond with Sully than the others.

I liked that the mysteries were constantly changing and you never knew who was the enemy from one page to the next. The more you thought you had it pegged the more twists came up that made you stop and go, "what a minute..." The twist at the end did feel a bit rushed when they did their reveal over who was the mastermind behind the attacks on Alaina but it was nice to see the betrayal aspect wasn't too profound. It was a perfect ending to the trilogy.

Rush by Penelope Black

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Just the way Alaina wants to spend her birthday: kidnapped and waking up in a burning vehicle surrounded by bodies before being knocked out all over again. When she comes to a second time she is in a remote cabin with little to no hope of Wolf, Rush, or Sully finding her. She feels she will have to find her own way out and that comes with thwarting some unwanted advances from some of her captors. But her boys are down but not out. They are hot on her trail and will eventually save her in at least moderately one piece. She gives herself some time to wallow in her misery before she kicks her shoulders back and accepts the self defense lessons her boys are desperate to impart upon her.

However, there is more to this family that she originally thought. She had a suspicion that there were mafia ties going on within their ranks but she never had any proof. Now she may be stumbling onto a whole world of secrets and all of them are centered around her past. She not only has the mission to uncover the secrets of the Fitzgerald men but also a burning desire to find out what happened to her own family. Why is her mom suddenly marrying their dad? Why was she kidnapped? Who has it out for her? And will she be able to navigate all this while also trying to figure out her odd relationships with each of the Fitzgerald men?

Another great installment in the series. While there is still no outright sex, I am not as bothered by it as I have been with other books. The plot has me guessing so much that I find myself turning pages not just for the love scenes but also for the mystery and action. I do favor Wolf a bit more than the rest... kind of frustrated with Sully... and intrigued by Rush's obsession with Alaina. I have been trying to guess the plot for a while and I figured it had something to do with Alaina's dad disappearing but the twists and turns in this series really keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Rush is a really good middle book to a series. It touches on things in the characters' pasts, cultivates relationships, and progresses the plot. It even gives you a few characters who you don't exactly know whether they are good or bad from one page to the next. All in all, I am hungry for the next one!

Warped Minds by Elena Lawson

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Ava Jade has been captured by her stalker and his identity is finally revealed following a betrayal by her boys the likes of which she never would have imagined. When she is blamed for the injuries the Saints suffered, especially where Grey is concerned, Ava Jade runs off with every intention of disappearing and never returning. The way she sees it they clearly don't want her anywhere near them anyway so what does she have left here if not her boys? But her escape is foiled not by a well meaning ally but with the ultimate evil she must find a way to escape.

Corvus, Rook, and Grey will stop at nothing in their hunt for Ava Jade. Their search only intensifies when it comes to light that she didn't disappear of her own volition but because she was snatched by her stalker. They will stop at nothing and bulldoze over anyone who gets in their way to find her, even if that person is their own adoptive father. Rook meanwhile battles his own demons when it comes to his drug addiction. All he needs is one more hit of cocaine to keep him alert and sharp until he can find his Ghost. Corvus is stewing in his own guilt over his role in Ava Jade's fleeing. And Grey is wondering if once they find Ava Jade, because not finding her is not an option, will she still want him with him being less than complete?

Ava Jade and her boys are in for the final battle for their freedom and peace. Will they all survive the fallout once secrets are revealed and the big, bad evil turns out to be closer than they ever imagined him to be?

This was probably the best installment of the series. I loved that all the loose ends were (mostly) tied up and that there was the option of a very bloody happily ever after. It seemed only fitting for the characters that Lawson created. All of them figured out their shit and put it aside to finally give into the fact that they were fighting against a losing battle when it came to love. It was a breath of "finally" wrapped up with a nice blood-stained bow.

There were a few things that I would have liked to see that I didn't. They never had a conversation about Ava Jade's past with the man on the railroad tracks that she killed. They never talked much about Ava Jade's stalker's role in her father's death outside of his rank in the gang which I guess could be all that was needed. I just would have liked to see a bit more about Ava Jade's dad's story wrapped up as neatly as the ending of the book. There was also no more mention about Ava Jade's mother and her utterance that alluded to the fact that Ava Jade's stalker put her up to coming back into the picture. Just a few things that were glossed over that I would have liked a bit more explanation attached to them.

But overall, the book was stellar and I was glad to see how it ended. It also makes me absolutely ravenous to read the spin-off series to come with Becca.

Crooked Crows by Elena Lawson

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Ava Jade has one clear goal in her attendance of Briar Hall: to ride it out for her final year so she can get her fat payday from her rich aunt for doing so. She thought it'd be a cake walk. Just attend classes and avoid the other students as best as possible, easy right? How wrong she was. She seems to have stepped right into the line of sight of the Crows: Rook, Corvus, and Grey. They see her as a problem. An outsider that only brings trouble with her. She is not one to be cowed like the rest of the sheep at the school and that is a problem for them when they are the kings of the school. When senseless bullying doesn't work and Ava Jade's instinct to hit first and ask questions later lands her in hot water the boys take that opportunity to give her an ultimatum. She either falls in line with the rest and does what she's told or they will make her life unbearable. Unwilling to be anyone's indentured servant, Ava Jade only takes this as a challenge and she will do anything to get the boys who wish to own her under her thumb.

I absolutely love a strong heroine. Someone who doesn't fold under pressure but pushes back just as hard if not harder. That is Ava Jade in a nutshell. She is one of those that come from the wrong side of the track but who owns her previous hard life. She doesn't apologize for it nor does she feel shame for being a survivor. She does what she needs to to get by and that is what she will do even in ritzy Briar Hall. I loved watching the boys scramble to try to keep a handle on her while she just strolled along like she wasn't turning their world upside down.

As with any reverse harem, there is always a favorite. Grey was mine. He seems so genuine. He doesn't have a perpetual chip on his shoulder like Corvus nor is he as batshit crazy as Rook. Usually I like the crazy ones but Rook seems a little more out there then I am used to. Which is saying something when I found Diesel from Den of Vipers endearing. I liked that Grey was the first to seem to genuinely like Ava Jade without warring too hard with himself over it.

The plot of the book was good and it kept me guessing. The first book leaves off on a cliffhanger and the characters' backstories aren't completely realized yet so there are so many different ways this series could play out. I am anxious to dive into the next one which is what I will do the minute I press 'publish' on this post. While the book wasn't one I could see myself re-reading over and over, I am curious to see if that feeling changes as the series goes on.

Her Sinners by Sarah Bale

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Once again Olivia is sent away from her men to try to avoid her father's involvement in her life. She is put in witness protection of sorts where she is still living under the same name and going to the same school but she is moved from safe house to safe house all the while seeing very little of her MC lovers. The fear and trepidation Olivia feels only enhances when she finds out that Bash has gone off the deep end and ran away from the aftermath of him extracting information from one of Olivia's stalkers. Nobody knows if he is ever coming back and her men can do nothing but wait him out until Razor gets sick of watching Olivia stress over his absence and goes after Bash himself. But can he bring him home? Will Olivia's father end up getting his hooks back into her as he attempts to evade both the Feds and the MC? And will Olivia be able to stay away from her men longer than the first time?

The conclusion of Olivia's trilogy seemed to move along at a pretty steady pace but there were times when it dragged a bit. There was nothing they could really do to combat Olivia's father being back other than just sit and wait for him to make a move. To his credit Olivia's dad was smart enough to not make a move right after announcing the fact he was still alive. That would have gotten him caught far too easily and caused the final book to be a bit more of a novella.

I was not a huge fan of the fact that once again we find Olivia isolated from her men "for her own safety". You'd think they'd want her close by so that they can protect her instead of just throwing her at the Feds and saying "well, good luck!" Even Olivia felt like the whole display of distancing themselves again was bullshit. Eventually they realize that being separated is going to do them more harm than good. So they try to get Bash to come back and pull Olivia back into the fold.

I feel like a lot of the good feelings I had for Olivia and her men kind of depleted with this book. Between Bash running off to die because he couldn't handle the fact he killed someone, Saint once more keeping Olivia at arm's length to try to "keep her safe" and the Feds running around like they have no idea what is even going on, I just lost all the warm and fuzzies I had for the cast.

I will not be continuing on with Jas's books because I didn't find her to be that great a character and I am kinda ready to move on from that world. This was not the worst book I have read but with all the other books I have read lately, it is definitely not the best either.

Hawke by Jescie Hall

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Nic thought that the only thing missing from her otherwise perfect relationship was her boyfriend's ability to give her orgasms. For a woman, that is not always unheard of and Nic was no different. She had only ever been with Patrick and so she didn't even know what she was missing out on. Her life was picturesque and on the right path towards happily ever after. But one night she walks in on a man having vigorous sex with a random female in her spare bedroom and her world gets rocked just as much as that bed had been. Hawke is an ex-convict friend of Patrick's who will be staying with them for a while as he gets back on his feet. This was not at all what Nic had hoped for her life to turn out. Hawke is rude, gruff, abrasive, and a manwhore. She has nothing but distain for the man and he seems to have a mutual feeling for her. However, as Nic is forced to be in the same vicinity as Hawke day in and day out she starts to feel a little less disdain and a bit... more. It turns out Hawke is more than willing to test Nic's boundaries and shake her life up and she has to war with herself over whether she should melodiously sing with her angel side or get down and dirty with the devil within.

I thought this book was beautifully written. It sucked me in from page one and I could not put it down. I read the entire 439 pages in a single day. By the time I looked up I hadn't eaten, slept, showered, or done much more than wander around with my iPad stuck to my face while I did the least amount of chores as I could humanly get away with.

Hawke and Nic heat was page-scorchingly hot. I had to take a few breathers to go get some water and stand in front of the fan because, holy hell... I have very rarely come across a pairing that stuck with me on a visceral level. Hawke was broody and trouble with a capital 'T' while Nic was sweet and friendly but had a dark side lurking underneath that Hawke was dying to drag out of her.

Patrick was a tool. There is nothing kind I can say about him.

Honestly, I thought with all his business trips that there was going to be a huge revelation that he had an entire other family on the side she didn't know about. That would have been the obvious antagonistic plot twist which I am glad the author didn't go with. She chose a different route which made me have to sit back and blink with a "excuse the fuck out of me" expression.

Hawke is my first foray into Jescie Hall's writing and I have to tell you that she has followed Bea Paige, Jennifer L. Armentrout, and J.R. Ward into being one of my favorite authors already.

Shattered Chaos by Samantha Bee

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Scar does not give a single shit about what people think about her. She does what she wants and answers to nobody. She sleeps with multiple men and doesn't make that a secret. She has no emotional attachment to any of them so if they decide they don't like her being with others and leave, she won't even miss them. There has only been one constant in her life since the day it was turned upside down and that is Luca, her boss. She dances at his club and has had people flock to her shows to watch her. But when she goes to the club one night antsy to find someone to take home she runs into a familiar face. Kade. Who was her other best friend when she was a kid right along with Luca. While she expected him to be angry with her for disappearing on him, he is just anxious to finally have the girl he's longed for all these years in his bed. She is more than happy to oblige.

But there is more to Scar than meets the eye. She is also a cold-blooded killer who hunts down and destroys sex trafficking rings in search of the men who shattered her at a young age. The victims she rescued are given medical attention, therapy, jobs, money to start over or to return to their families, and a new lease on life. Scar is determined to reach the kingpin of the ring she is hunting but she won't be able to do that without her best friends, Luca and Kade, and her team.

Along the way Scar connects a bit more thoroughly with one of her random bedmates, Noah, and even finds a kinship with a man she rescues, Ryder. Between them, Luca, and Kade she has her hands full as far as men to drool after. But what if these men felt too strongly for her and would risk her fury over her mission?

Scar is an amazing main character. I love her so much. She is badass and sassy without boiling over either of those to become bitchy. She is light-hearted and carefree, or so she would appear. There was depth to her that one would only realize if they looked a little closer. I loved how each of the guys complimented her in different ways and touched on a part of her. For example:

Luca is her closest friend. She trusts him with anything. She formed her organization and team with him. She loves him and wants to be with him as does he but they keep each other at arm's length to avoid complications. He is her strength when she feels like falling apart.

Kade is another of her close friends from childhood. He is the light-hearted man who will go with the flow and navigate through all of her walls but make it feel as if it's not as scary as she would have imagined. He is also just as bloodthirsty as she is. She can let her inner-psycho out and he will meet her with his own. He is her peace where she doesn't have to second guess her emotions or issues.

Noah is similar to Kade in his go-with-the-flow attitude. He doesn't pressure her or make her feel as if she owes him anything. He is happy to take whatever she gives him and not ask for more. He is the patient lover that she needs so she doesn't freak out over her growing emotions and do something stupid. He is her calm rock when she is caught in a storm of feelings.

Ryder is essentially the male counterpart of Scar. He has been through things that are very similar to Scar by way of losing his sister and feeling as if it was his fault that she was killed when his rescue mission was botched. Scar also feels as if she played a part in her twin sisters' death. Ryder is her mirror image which helps her to practice some introspection but not dig too deep so that she gets spooked by her emotions.

I loved this book and gave a lot of thought to how it was mapped out by the author. I do believe it was perfection and a great start to my 2023 reading list.

Wolf by Penelope Black

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Alaina was on cloud nine. She had just graduated valedictorian at her school and she had her two best friends/cousins by her side the entire time. When she hits the town and frequents her local Irish pub for karaoke with her girls she can expect at least on handsome stranger amongst the crowd watching her intensely through her entire stage act only to have him slip away before she can reach him afterwards to talk to him. But when she pulls that date out of the jar her and her cousins have been using since they were kids: "Kiss a stranger", she knows exactly who she wants to share that moment with.

Alaina was expecting a kiss from her biggest fan and a fun-filled summer with her cousins. What she wasn't expecting was a phone call from her mother asking her to spend the summer with her and that she was getting married. Alaina, hungry for attention from her absentee mother, changes all her plans in hopes of finding some time to rekindle her relationship with her mother and learn a bit more about this soon-to-be stepfather... including her new stepbrothers. What she wasn't expecting was the amount of secrets and lies that surrounded her new family additions, nor that there would be a few familiar faces amongst her stepbrothers that leave her wondering how cruel fate truly could be.

Just the general feel from the first book I can tell that the way the author is writing them that the corresponding boy's name as the title is when Alaina connects with them the most. This book was Wolf's. The viciously handsome man with a predator's nickname that seems to have a perpetual smirk adorning his lips and who Alaina finds herself completely smitten with despite the taboo nature of their meeting. But there are shadows lurking in Wolf's eyes and secrets he refuses to tell her which cause a bit of a rift between the would-be lovers.

I really enjoyed getting to know Wolf in this book a bit. He seems like the type who is hesitant to commit but once he does he's like a dog with a bone: he won't let it go unless it's pried from him. I think that Alaina's bubbly personality with Wolf's snarky depth were a nice match. She lightened him a bit and he gave her a healthy dose of danger.

I struggled to find anything I didn't like about the book.

Sexy mobsters ✔
Hunky Irish accents ✔
Danger & heat ✔
A infectious heroine ✔

Brava Ms. Black. I can't wait to sink my teeth into Rush.

The Mercy of Demons by Candice Wright

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Mercy awoke in a hospital bed with no recollection of who she was or what happened to her. From what the doctors say she was shot in the head and that effected her memories. They would eventually come back if she gave it time but that isn't a luxury that Mercy has. She has to figure out why the police officer who is there to interview her is talking to someone on the phone about getting rid of the wrong girl and tying up loose ends. She must rely on the kindness of complete strangers in order to spring her from the hospital and take her to the one place she hopes to find answers: the Garage of Carnage that she has dangling from a keychain on her keys. What she didn't expect was to be welcome into the Carnage fold like family. That is until she sees her uncle and the memories start to trickle back in. But Carnage is the place for her to hide out so they reach out to their Chaos Demon allies to take her in. When she arrives she is put face-to-face with three Demons that take one look at her and decide she will be theirs: Kaz (the stoic quiet one), Wiz (the genius with a huge heart), and Scope (the feral psychopath). If she can survive these three though she can survive anything. Even if that something has all the backing of the United States government behind them.

I really liked that the series seemed to come full circle as far as the female protagonists went. The first book was Luna's and she was the obvious "I-don't-need-a-man-but-I'll-take-them" sort of girl. She was a badass through and through. Mercy is the same way. She doesn't need even her pitbull psychopath at her back to handle her shit, but she wants him there anyway.

I didn't know if I was going to like the book because reading from one of the brothers' niece's perspective felt like I was going to be reading from one of the club kid's perspectives. Kind of weird have reading about their parents, y'know? But surprisingly it worked out really well and I loved Mercy even more than Luna which is surprising since she was definitely my all-time favorite. I would be more afraid of Mercy in a dark alley than Luna honestly.

Most people really didn't like Scope from what I've read of some reviews. And while Wiz was my favorite, I do like those alpha males who are more grunting/growling caveman than civilized man. I think they all had this roles to play. I did like seeing Scope soften a bit with Mercy's love even though he never admitted to loving her from what I can remember. I would have liked if he had overcome his determination that he would never be able to love and actually say it to her (unless I missed him doing so).

I think the series could have probably ended here and it would have been tied up nicely with a big bow on top. I am curious what they are going to pull out for the next book.