I love Vera’s energy & humor; we need MORE older MCs like her. Despite her being sixty years old, the lady sure is sharp- and made me giggle in my head at multiple occasions. She’s both persistant and kind, strong headed woman that nobody (even a two years old!) can say not to, while at the same time having the good heart of a mother for the four of her “suspects” she ended up adopting (+ Emma).
The book is divided into 5 diff POVs, one for each « suspect » including Vera, and while I got a bit scared it would give me trouble at first, it turned out it didn’t at all! Everyone was pleasant to read and I couldn’t wait to discover their utterly motives in the scenario: what they were hiding and who truly hurted Marshall in the end. (IF someone really did, and wasn’t actually an accident like police said since Day 1)
Im glad we do end up finding out who did murder him in the end, and it wasn’t a plain accident; however it was tied together in a way I wasn’t quite expecting.
Pas mon préféré que j’ai lu, mais divertissant! Un peu trop gore a mon gout, toutefois. Je ne m’attendait pas a la fin.. a la fois d’ou venait le Krampus & ce qui c’est réellement passer au debut. J’aurait aimer decouvrir plus du lore du Krampus comme tel, et moins de rage meurtrière.
Veterinary has been a career path that I would’ve loved to go into- so I quite appreciated to read her background, and her quite difficult path into the career she wanted. It was even more saddening to see how hard it was for a woman to pierce into careers back then, although she was one of the many to have it more accessible than ever before.
It also gave me new insights- Iknow i’ve been going to the same vet ever since I got my eldest, almost 10yrs ago now (and more, as we went with my family’s animals too) so we really trust her. Karen has been explaining how seeing the house where the animal live and their normal behavior helps alot when trying to find what’s wrong with them, and also how she got to see some of her regular patients & their humans as part of her family; and that really warmed my heart 🥰
J’ai bien aimée le bon trois quart du livre, j’avais envie de connaitre le mystere!! Le pourquoi des comments.
La fin toutefois.. ah que je ne lavais pas vue venir. Qui aurait grandement pu etre évitée (mais sinon ça n’aurait pas été drole..) ; un peu trop de gore a mon goût, je ne vais pas le garder celui-la.
I loved the dual POV between Sadie & the guy looking for her with her surrogate grandmother; The mix of her first person POV with his podcast transcription. I don’t doubt this must be such a good read on audio.
The suspense stayed with us; despite the characters definately finding something, we didn’t knew exactly what- and we’d have a POV switch to keep us on the edge of our seat a little more.
Major annoyance that it never said anywhere that we were dealing with different timelines until 3/4 of the book. Wouldn’t had picked it up otherwise if I would have known.
Meanwhile I was getting angry, thinking he was a twat for lying a dealing with 3 women at the same time. 💀
appreciated the book being in first person POV, but not at all the story I thought we were gonna have. A fun prank going south involving a mannequin.. sounds fun, right?
I thought I knew where this was going, which I theoretically was right- as we never saw Manny for real… but that ending?! I don’t understand..