booksarethenewblack's reviews
1371 reviews

The First Binding by R.R. Virdi

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3.5 stars

I have had this book sitting on my bookshelf for so long. This is such a chunky book that it’s intimidating! I had an opportunity to read the second book as an ARC, and decided it was time to jump in! I buddy-read this with Dini, but it took us much longer than anticipated. We did it!

While the story is interesting, there are a lot of info dumps. It took us so long to get into this book. Just know that it is a slow read. It was confused throughout most of the first half. I’m so glad I buddy-read this with Dini so we could bounce thoughts off each other. I think there could have been better execution with the world-building. This world is extremely descriptive, and it suffers from it. The details are where most of the pacing gets bogged down, and it’s a snail’s pace. It takes a while to understand the bindings too. While it’s a cool world, and there are a lot of interesting aspects, there’s too much detail. With that being said, there are many parts that Virdi was able to captivate me with his writing. Most of this happens in the second half of the book. He’s juggling two timelines with Ari’s past and present. I think he did a great job weaving both stories and keeping me interested.

The characters are the best thing about this book! Ari is a character that drives me nuts most of the time, but I am desperately rooting for him. He’s so hot-headed, but it’s for the right reasons. He’s had a tough life, but he can be too rash. It’s a common theme throughout this book, and I’m curious to see if that changes in book two. Eloine is so elusive, but I’m so fascinated by her. I have a feeling she’s going to crush Ari, and I will not be ready for that. There are so many supporting characters throughout this book that I love so much.

Overall, I thought this was a decent read. Even if it suffered a lot of pacing issues, once I got into the story (about halfway), it was harder to put down! The dual timelines were also well done. I can’t wait to jump into book two and see what happens next. There’s a lot that has been left open that I need answers to!!

I own the hardcover, but thank you to Tor Books for sending a Netgalley widget. It was much easier to read with my little one! All thoughts and opinions are my own. 
A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvie Cathrall

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I didn’t read the blurb of this book. The blurb said it was “perfect for fans of TJ Klune,” and has a stunning cover. His books are thought-provoking, and endearing, and you can’t get enough. This book did not compare. I buddy-read this with Leah and Julie. We all kind of ended up in the same place, but Julie didn’t finish it.

The premise of this book was so interesting! I think the use of letters/transcripts could have been so cool. I do enjoy an epistolary-style book from time to time. Unfortunately, this book suffered from it because there were not enough distinctive voices. All the letters blended in, and each character felt/sounded the same. I also wish there was a time stamp on them. There’s no telling how much time has passed for most of the letters/messages. It made it harder to track timing.

I talked a little about the characters all sounding the same. I did think that E and Henerey were the most interesting characters. I loved seeing their relationship blossom! I think E’s writing was the most distinct because it was so full of anxiety. I did appreciate that the author went there, but it was sometimes a little hard to read.

The underwater settings and creatures were the most interesting part of this book! I do wish we could have delved a little deeper into that aspect. There was so much mystery involved and not enough payout. It left me wanting so much more and having many more questions.

Overall, I was excited about this one and really let down. I’m so bummed because it has such a great premise and a stunning cover! While the writing style was not for me, I can see how many others would enjoy it.

Thank you to Orbit for an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Clytemnestra's Bind by Susan C. Wilson

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I love Greek Mythology and was excited to pick this one up. I am always curious to see how an author takes on known stories. Susan C. Wilson did a fantastic job with this retelling!

Right away, I was drawn into the story. The writing is very addictive and makes it hard to stop. I enjoy retellings from Greek Mythology, but I always feel like they were all cursed. This story is brutal and sometimes makes it hard to read (as a mom). Wilson does not shy away from gory details and ripping out your heart. As a mother, this one was really hard to read. On the flip side, Clytemnestra’s thought process was very relatable. I understood, and I was all for her actions. The amount of strength she shows for her children is amazing. She goes through so much heartbreak and pain.

I’ve read quite a few retellings and know the gist of this story. I was very impressed with how Wilson drew me in and made me feel like this was a whole new story. I enjoyed seeing this perspective to Clytemnestra.

Overall, I enjoyed this! Before you jump in, check out some of the trigger warnings because it’s a brutal and intense book. The amazing writing and pace have you fly through this one because you can’t stop turning the pages! I can’t wait for the sequel! 
The Hemlock Queen by Hannah Whitten

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Oh, middle book syndrome, how I wish you weren’t real. I was really excited for this book, and one of my most anticipated. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite hit like the first book did. Luckily, I buddy read this with Julie!

One of my biggest complaints with this book is how slow it is. It took about 75% of the book before the plot actually picks up. It was lost somewhere in Lore’s inner monologue’s. I’m not kidding. Most of this book is just Lore convincing herself she’s “not in love, in love, in like, or something” with these boys. It was so repetitive and drove me nuts. It was a messy love triangle and I felt like it took a whole book to get anywhere. Bastian was one that I figured out quickly. I’m glad that I did because otherwise we were on Tamlin levels, and that would have been hard to get through. I’m still team Bastian after everything!

I’ve touched a little on Lore but I don’t have much more to say. I found her character boring at times. Most of the characters are unimpressive throughout this one. It’s one thing to have little to no plot, but to have these characters just stagnant is another. It didn’t feel like anything new and characters I’ve read before.

With all that being said, the ending was what saved this book for me. A lot of things happen and many of the stakes rise. It made it for a very interesting ending, making me want to reach for the next book. I wish she would have started the end of the book in the middle because it would have made for a much more interesting story. It felt like a book filled with a messy love triangle to get to that third book. I do hope the third book will be full of much more action because there’s a lot of moving pieces now.

Overall, this book was just okay. It didn’t really do much for me, and it had almost no plot until the end. The characters were lackluster too. She did set up for a very interesting book three that I will read!

Thank you to Orbit for an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own!

Lake of Souls: The Collected Short Fiction by Ann Leckie

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It was my first time reading Ann Leckie! Short stories were a great way to get a feel for her writing style. I didn’t know about her other work, and it might have hurt me here.

It is hard to review short stories since you can’t talk about the typical things. This review is going to be short and sweet. I will do my best to write an overall impression of her writing and the book itself. With most short stories, you will find stories you loved, liked, and didn’t mesh with. I found that to be true here. Although, I was pleasantly surprised that I did find more stories I loved. Man of those were towards the end of the book. I don’t know if I found my rhythm with her writing style and content or if the stories were better.

If you are new to this author or a huge fan, I think you will like this. There are many stories with a lot of different topics explored. I found some to be very emotional and thought-provoking. Some stories delved into sci-fi and a world I didn’t know. There’s one in particular that was just the names of people that drove me crazy. They were long and used constantly, and I had trouble with that story.

Overall, I did enjoy this! I’m open to reading more of her work. I know that some of these stories connect to worlds she has already created. I will have to check those out!

Thank you to Orbit for a complimentary finished copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera

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I don’t read a lot of thrillers because I quickly figure out the “who did it” part. I have seen many people raving about this one. It sounded good, and I decided to give it a go. I’m so glad I did!

I picked this up last night, and I finished it this evening. We have a podcaster taking on an old murder and digging things up to find what happened. Lucy is the one blamed for her best friend’s murder. She was also injured that night and has suffered amnesia. She doesn’t know what happened, but everyone has pegged her as the murderer. She’s been living a bland life because she’s stuck in the past. After five years of going through the motions, she’s going back home. Lucy was a fantastic character! She has been through so much, even before her best friend’s murder. The way she uses humor adds so much to this book. I was just a few pages in and laughing out loud! The funny part is that she’s so blunt that many people don’t know if she’s joking. The humor worked really well with such heavy topics. It was enjoyable seeing how uncomfortable she made everyone, but they deserved it.

One of my favorite aspects of this book is the podcast episodes! We get Lucy’s perspective throughout the book with a sprinkle of the podcast. Ben is releasing all these episodes of interviews with the townspeople. It’s interesting to read them with Lucy and see her reaction to them.

My only little issue with the podcast parts was the tiny font. I had to keep changing my Kindle font size because it was too small to read. I am not knocking off anything because my actual BOTM copy does not have this issue!

I devoured this book! I could not stop reading. I had several theories and NONE of them were right! I’m rarely surprised, and why I don’t read thrillers often. The characters were fantastic too. There were so many that I adored *Lucy’s grandma,* and many that I disliked.

“In the end, life is just sweatpants and children who resent you and all your choices. But no one wants to hear that.”

Overall, I was thrilled! I loved Lucy’s character and really felt for her. The humor was one of my favorite parts of this book! The podcast segments were brilliant too. If you enjoy thrillers then you should pick this one up! I do not think you will be disappointed!

Thank you to Celadon Books and Netgalley for an e-arc. All thoughts and opinions are my own! I also own a BOTM copy!

A Grave Robbery by Deanna Raybourn

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I can’t believe this is book #9 in the Veronica Speedwell series!! I have come to love and adore this series so much. I was ecstatic to be approved for an e-ARC!

Veronica and Stoker are becoming such a great book couple! Their relationship has grown and evolved over the last nine books. Just a FYI- this is a very slow-burn romance. I have enjoyed that aspect and being able to get to watch them explore what they mean to each other. Their banter in each book keeps getting better and better. I can imagine their facial expressions, especially Stoker’s. Somehow, Veronica is just a magnet for murder mysteries! They both grew in their relationship, and I love they were both open to what each other needs.

One of the things I enjoyed about this installment is that Veronica’s entourage seems to have grown permanently. There are several characters throughout the series we get to see more of in certain books. In this book a couple of characters join forces with Veronica and Stoker. It was fun and gave some hilarious moments!

The actual murder mystery in this book wasn’t as intense as other books. It didn’t seem as dire or chaotic as other books, and I think it was a good change of pace. It doesn’t mean no drama or near-death experiences, but it was a laid back pace. It was still an interesting and twisty case! It didn’t have much impact on the overall arc of the series but feels a little like it can start a new one. I can be totally off when the next one comes out, but I can’t wait to see!

Overall, I really enjoyed this, and it’s always a highlight when I can pick up the next adventure. I cannot wait for the next one already! I’m don’t know how many more Raybourn will write, but I highly recommend picking this series up. I also recommend reading them in order. You won’t get some things or appreciate the relationships without the journey. Excelsior!!

Thank you to Berkley and Netgalley for an e-ARC!! All thoughts and opinions are my own! 
Empire of the Damned by Jay Kristoff

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Sometimes I take way too long to read a book. I’m glad it worked out this way for this series. I finished book one last week and jumped right into book two. This was such a great “middle” book, and I can’t imagine what book three will be like!!

There’s a bit of difference in this book because we get many more POV’s than just Gabriel’s. Most of book one, is told by him through an interview. We still have the interviews, but we get another POV that tells the story of Dior’s journey. I don’t want to point out who it was because it’s a mild spoiler, and I’m spoiler-free. I loved the different POV’s of the timeline. We get a more complete story, and learn a lot about some characters we didn’t know very well. Another surprise is that we get so much more of Jean-Francois in this book. He is just the interviewer in book one, but we learn much more about him in book two. All of these different POVs helped create a lot more character development.

Speaking of character development, Dior makes strides in this book. Throughout book one, we are just learning who she is, and she relies so heavily on everyone else. Dior has to rely on her street smarts, and this girl has courage for days. It’s amazing how these characters around her have sworn to protect her but somehow ends up meaning so much more to them. It was so beautiful to see and sometimes heartbreaking. Her relationship with Gabriel is one that you can never quite figure out. It was good to see Gabriel and Dior explore what they meant to each other. Dior isn’t the only character that had character development. All of them do across the board. It’s what keeps you so hooked into the story. No matter where you are or who you are with. You are attached to them all. You never once feel bored during someone else’s storyline, and that’s a great thing to accomplish with the second book.

Throughout this book there’s a lot of action, scheming, heartbreak, and emotional moments, and it can get very dark. There are times when the banter between Gabriel and Jean-Francois is much needed and welcome! We get some world-building, and plot points introduced in book one expanded upon. There is a lot of intensity, keeping you flipping the pages to find relief. I don’t know what relief I found (if any), but it had me turning pages. I never had any issues with pacing.

I need to point out we have many illustrations in this book, and I was so relieved. They are fabulous and add so much to the story, just like in the first book. I don’t know how, I’m going to read fantasy books in the future without these stunning illustrations. I love how it brings the characters to life and makes it a much more immersive experience.

Overall, I enjoyed this one! I loved getting to know these characters and their relationships better. I was relieved that it didn’t suffer from middle book syndrome. Kristoff’s writing is fantastic and addicting. It’s going to be a very long wait for book three!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for sending me a finished copy to review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

You Grow, Girl! by Rose Rossner

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The cover alone was enough to have me requesting this book!! I have so many plants and Oliver has really been a lover as well. He has so many in his room and we always water the plants together every week. It's no surprise that I'm a big plant-y person with my blog style. haha

This book is full of beautiful illustrations and pages. I thought the puny lines they chose really worked too. Oliver loved this one because he thought it was so pretty. Anything to do with plants is a big hit for us. I will absolutely be buying this for his Easter basket!

Don't get confused with the "girl" in the title. This book is definitely for all! If you enjoy the plant life and cute books then this is for you! I like that there's a to/from page in the front. It's great when you have a dedicated area when gifting because I will be gifting this!

Many thanks to Sourcebooks Wonderland and Netgalley for an e-arc. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 
Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice by Elle Cosimano

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Finlay and Vero are just the best! I really hope this series goes on for a while, because they are just too much fun.

I love how we always start from the instant the last book ended. We have a ton of different people in play with this book. You are always wondering how Finlay can possibly get out of the middle. It seems to be so easy for her and Vero to be in the middle of murders and chaos. I enjoyed getting to know more about Vero’s past in this one.

There are many moments that are way over the top. It’s a given with this series, and I don’t really mind it. I know there are a lot of people that read this more critically and enjoyment. Do I think that two small women can lug around dead bodies? Absolutely not! Do I think that Finlay and Vero are hilarious? Yes! This book was such a fast paced read because there is always something crazy happening. I finished this in two days, and that’s with limited reading time.

I really love the fact that Finlay learns how to stand up to her ex. He’s not a good guy, and I’m glad she puts him in his place. I hope he finally sees the error of is ways, and becomes a better father for the kids. I’ve also loved Sylvia in this one! She’s such a minor roll, but we see a little more of her and I loved it. Even though these books are ultimately about Finlay and Vero’s relationship, I love her budding romance with the cop. It adds so much extra tension with the fact that he’s in law enforcement, and she’s in the middle of these crimes.

One little thing I struggled with was Vero rushing into everything. I get that she’s a hot head and never thinks things through but so many things went wrong because of her. I’m sure it adds to the tension and drama, but it was too much at times. She would never listen to reason and just did what she wanted anyways.

Overall, I did enjoy this one, and I thought it was a lot of fun. We have many supporting characters, and we learn a little more about them all. There is some added tension with her relationships, and I can’t wait to see where things go with Nicolas. I cannot wait for the next adventure with Finlay and Vero!

Many thanks to Minotaur Books and Netgalley for an e-ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own!