Powerful, prophetic, and poignant. Butler took issues she saw such as climate change, religion, racism and many more that we as humans were struggling with in the 1990’s and extrapolated them to what they could look like in 30 years. And quite honestly she was not far off on how society is described in Parable. This book hits hard and needs to be read by everyone.
If you loved Heartstopper this series will be for you! A stunning and adorable graphic novel about the real life struggles of being super natural and queer. I loved all of the representation on the page, from disabilities, to different sexuality and gender expression. I am excited to see where the series goes.
I don't know if I devoured this book or if this book devoured me. A beautiful study in feminine rage, grief, hunger and sapphic longing. I was enthralled from the very first page.
Schwab made each of these three women so real, raw and easy to connect to in such different ways.
But my absolute favorite part was the portrayal of queerness through each century. How each of our main characters had to adapt to a world that didn't accept their sexuality, but survived and found love despite it.
This was the feel good hockey/figure skating sapphic ya romance I have been waiting for. I loved both the hard hitting themes of parental abandonment and having to switch a sport when you are forced out of the season. As well as the softer themes of love and new friendships. Overall this made me feel good and it was such a fun read.
A brilliant study of language, WW 1 & 2 politics and the struggle to do the right thing when the right thing to do is rebel.
I think this might be the piece of literature people need to read at this moment in time who are struggling to do the right thing. Who are only thinking of themselves, and family and not the whole. this shows the struggle to do what is right. And that even the worst chocies are redeemable.
If you are going to read one book this year, let it be this one. We can learn from our history and past errors and change the course we put on if we work together.