booksjoreads's reviews
288 reviews

The Call of the Sea by Kate Schumacher

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Do love a great Arthurian retelling, a slow burn romance, mythology, magic and pirates ?

Then you need to get yourself a copy of this book ASAP.

I loved following the story of Jenyfer, Ordes and Arthur from the beginning where we learn about their world, what’s happening within it and then how they each have a part to play in this story.
This is a wonderful imaginative story full of the Arthurian legend but with a completely different perspective and I loved every bit of it.

⚓️ Multiple POV
⚓️Syrens, Gods & Faeries
⚓️Magical Pirate Ships
⚓️Strong Female lead character 

What more could you want from a fantasy romance, I cannot wait for book 2 to see what happens to our reluctant heroes next.
The Hunger of the Gods by John Gwynne

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     “To kill them all, save one”

This book continues on from book one, The Shadow of the Gods and for me it was even better.
This series has everything a fantasy reader like me loves, wonderful characters, good and bad and amazing world building with a multi layered history and a fast moving storyline.
Amazing battle scenes, didn’t matter who was fighting who, it was all so vivid and descriptive with the details and of  course with that at times very gruesome.

I enjoy the representation of all the strong women, they are leaders and major players throughout this series, the companion creatures bring a lighter tone at times  which was nice. 

The conflict of that some of these characters are having within themselves because of the side they find themselves on is fascinating to read about, the decisions that they make to keep surviving causes so many different emotions to roll around in their “thought cage”.

           “Life is pain “

That’s what I felt when I finished this book and knew I now have to wait until later in 2023 to read the conclusion to this amazing series.
Long Overdue at the Lakeside Library by Holly Danvers

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3 1/2 stars This was my first read in this series and I really enjoyed the mystery and storylines throughout this book. The characters and interactions between each were interesting, a good fun, fast read.
This is a series that would be easy to keep reading when after a good mystery.
Wild Place by Christian White

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Again I find I loved this authors writing style, and found myself invested in the story from the beginning.
This story took a real twist away from where I thought it was going at the halfway mark and then continued to keep me rethinking everything until the end.
The reader follows a range of characters that were all well written and had you constantly thinking about their lives and wondering if they will be ok.
A fascinating mystery that will keep the reader captivated throughout the whole book.
4 1/2 ⭐

Thank you to Affirm Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this and give my honest views and opinions about it.
Sisters of Shadow by Katherine Livesey

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This was a lovely debut YA novel, for maybe younger readers. The story follows Alice and Lily and their journey of friendship and growth as Alice goes missing and Lily sets off to find her..
The premise is that Alice lives in a forest abandoned by her parents and her only friend is Lily, so when Alice receives a letter promising to answer all her questions about herself she goes to the witch coven and is then trapped, not knowing how to leave. Lily then heads off to find her , discovering more about herself and her strengths than she ever realised.
A good first novel that I’m sure will tie everything together in the second book.
Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins for the eArc, this is my own honest opinion.
A Land of Never After: A Peter Pan Retelling by R.L. Davennor

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A Peter Pan retelling with a definite adult themed atmosphere about it. It was very dark and although the character names were the same as the original the characters themselves were all very told in a very different way and it was one I actually really enjoyed.
The writing was well done and easy to read and I became invested in Wendy's story and journey from the beginning, my only issue was that because it is quite short at times it felt rushed as we jumped from one section/storyline to another. I would love to see the world and characters fleshed out a little more maybe this will happen in the continuation of the series. I would love to read more .
Thank you to Netgalley and Night Muse Press for the advance copy.
The Guest List by Lucy Foley

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A good read, the first half not as good as the second half which ended up making it only a 3 star read for me.