bookswithames's reviews
145 reviews

Something Sacrificed by Erin Fitzgerald

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Some would say moving from Texas to Montana was a midlife crisis but I know better.
 That is until I see her again, it's been 20 years. 

Right from the beginning I knew something wasn't right about him. That slimey 'beep' needs to rot painfully. 

Can't help but fall in love with these two. A true romance that started at friends, but was it really just friends or was destiny just waiting for the right time.
 Willa is truely the most adorable character ever.
 Hoping we get a connecting series but staring the children as they spread their wings as they grow into adulthood.
Prince of the Tower by Aimee Clinton

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A slow burn, Sleeping-beauty inspired fantasy romance.
 A strong, stubborn bright heroine finds out not everything is as it seems. 

I can see where the Sleeping-beauty inspiration came into this fantasy, personally I didn't see enough to be a true inspiration however this was an amazing read.
 I'm not a huge fan of fantasy but Aliza & the ying & yang twins most definitely kept me intrigued. 
 Hoping the wait for the next part isn't to long.
Love, Daddy by Margot Scott

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They weren't my letter to answer but my cellmate tossed them on the floor like trash. 
After 4 years I'm going to come clean as a free man. She's a far cry from the awkward teen I envisioned.

An easy to read novella that let's you delve into the life of adorable, innocent Tatum.
A girl that has craved unconditional love for most of her life finally finds it in Lucas.
Lucas brings all the spice, whether its his dirty words, filthy texts or hands on, Lucas excels at making Tatums eyes roll & her feet curl. 
Daddy Fever by Margot Scott

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When Doctor Daddy moves back to town for his son, he wasn't expect his sons best friend to so mouth-watering.
 After a check-up he can't forget what she smells like. 

Perfect book to get you out of a dark depressive slump. Its quick paced, extremely hot that along keeps you reading till the end.
Ruthless Savage by Lilian Harris

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She's off-limits! She's young, innocent & I'm her Bodyguard.
 My past has caught up with me & she's in danger. Will I be in time to save her or will the past repeat itself & destroy me with it. 

Brilliant suspensive romance that keeps you guessing the whole time. 
 We got introduced to the youngest Quinn & Devlin but we now dive straight into the young crush that developed into the most possessive couple Lillian has ever written. 

I love Daddy Quinn, always one step ahead of his children & manages to surprise them at every turn. Fernanda is definitely a positive influence to his heart.
 I loved every aspect with one annoying exception.
 I now despise the work 'Feck'. Having a Mafia enforcer with a filter was confusing as hell 🤣🤣
Falling for my fake-kisser neighbor by Lila Marlow

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He's a Big City Elite, I'm a Highland Girl determined to save my family's farm. I don't need the distraction of the eye-catching guy that just bought all the cheese I made.
 That is until he makes an irresistible proposal that would solve both our problems, trouble is I'm not built for the fancy life. 

I loved that such a sweet romance wasn't focused around the physically intimate side of falling in love, it added so much more to their relationship.
 The lack of spice didn't affect the chemistry between Maureen & Alex at all, if anything it added to the friendship base that surrounded their love. 

This would be a perfect starter into romance for a young teen, will definitely be letting my 14 year old have a read.
The Truth Never Spoken by Ambar Cordova

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My Best Friend & my soulmate, but he stayed behind. I was in love with him but I just walked away.
10 years later & our paths are intertwined again but does he forgive me or have I ruined everything forever.

The Duel POV was different to read, took time to get use to the jumping between Now & Then but it worked for this story perfectly. It showed how the actions Then influenced the Now.

Ambar put amazing detail into this story, not only with her writing but the little details too. The well thought-out songs that went with each chapter really set the mood perfectly & the addition of the little book sign to show when you can skip the smut (no idea why you want to 🤌🏻) without losing out on the emotional side of the story.
Ambars writing has you guess right up to the end the reason why these two parted 10 years ago & the heartbreak behind it. 
Daddy Says by Natalie Knight

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One dare changed it all!
 In a last attempt to make money, Pearl does something she never dreamed off.
 What was suppose to one time interaction soon turned into an incurable infatuation. 

Short, fast-paced,steamy story.
 Included everything I love to read, a perfect quick read inbetween series or to get out of a predictable rutt.
 For a short book, main characters had enough personality to pull you into the story.
 If Daddy Kink isn't your thing, then don't read you won't like it.
The Trouble with Love and Ink by Harriet Ashford

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How do you go from hating the new guy to fake dating? Emily will show you exactly how in this high emotion, enemies-to-lovers office romance.
 This book screams soul mates from the minute they meet. What started as pure hatred for the man that stole her promotion soon turned into pure, raw desire.
 They were engulfed in emotions they had no control over, but will they give in a dive head first or will they take the safe route. 

An incredibly easy read.
 So good I was unable to put it down, resulting in a very caffeinated school drop off the morning after 🤣.
 I was captivated by Emily & Beck, not just by their banter & connection but their characters as a whole. I was given butterflies by each and every interaction. Silently pleading for a HEA.
 Hoping this turns into a series & we meet them again.
Something Gained by Erin Fitzgerald

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Book 3 of the Wolf Mountain Ranchers.
 Seven years ago my life was changed dramatically because of one stranger, only luck saved me then.
 I can't run this time, will my Cowboy be strong enough for the both of us or are we both set to crumble in our past. 

Emily's back story literally tore my heart apart, she has such fight in her, such an inspiration to all SA survivors & so relieved she's finally found her home with Jacob.
 Coops is an amazing addition to Emily & Jacobs story, she brought the light comedy that is very much needed with so much of this story being rather heavy & emotional.