bookwormpersephone's reviews
154 reviews

Starsight by Brandon Sanderson

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Blown away... Skyward will still be better than starsight but MY GOODNESS the twists and turns this book gave me the last quarter of the book. I'm exhausted and happy.
ReDawn by Brandon Sanderson, Janci Patterson

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Are you telling me starsight managed to make me forget the most important warning Alanik gave to spensa and that was DONT BELEVE THEIR PEACE? I was beginning to TRUST Cuna and the gang but now I feel gaslighted. I don't need sleep I need ANSWERS
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

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What in ten hells.

Reading this feels like a fever dream, only you remember every single detail after you wake up and you're not delirious, the world is just crazy for not believing you.

If there is a message here I completely missed it. Everything is, as Agnes said, pointless. Everything I've read here is pointless.

And no, sleep is not an option tonight.


Will not be rating it as horror is not my main genre and would probably hate anything related to it anyway. As to why I decided to read this, I personally thought it was more psychological and emotional than just... Gross and nasty. If I had to rate it, it's 0. Not because of the graphic scenes, but because, as I said, this book lacked meaning whatsoever.
Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

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Dear lord, the plot twist in the end... I mean, I can't say I didn't think about the possibility, but still it took me by surprise.

There are definitely some dead parts in the book but it quickly picks up around page 200 and impossible to let go. The chemistry between Ignifex (or is he?) and Nyx was both sickeningly sweet and almost steamy. They both love each other but they're dorks who never knew what loving someone means/is so they just skirt around it.

Also, bed cuddling is *chef's kiss* in this book. Move over, Cruel Prince, their bed cuddle takes the cake (ehem, the only spoilers I'll give is Ignifex being the Lil spoon 100% of the time
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

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I was thoroughly entertained. The banter was 10/10, characters were so full of life, so different yet they fit the plot so perfectly like jigsaw puzzles. I'm hyped to read the next book!

Also, Matthias x Nina gave me so much life.
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong

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DNF @ 161 pages. It was incredibly slow, and the mystery went stale as it was discussed more and more by the two gangs. I wish I had the patience to go through with it but after several attempts at reading and it failing to get my attention, I finally gave up. 2
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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The ending made me smile. And yes, Evelyn, I never liked you from the start of this book but I respect you immensely for all the things you did in the name of your loved ones.