bound_by_books's reviews
338 reviews

Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh

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Wow! This is definitely a challenging book to read because of the vernacular wording. I've had to use the audio book to help me read it sometimes, but I enjoy the challenge. The idea that drugs creates more than one personality is intriguing, and the way the book is written can get a little confusing. But the story itself is well worth the challenge.
Firestarter by Stephen King

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This was my second King book, the first being Rose Madder. After reading it, I was in awe. His style of writing is crazy but entertaining. I love books that keep me enthralled, and this was one of them. Creepy goodness with all the twists and turns that are Stephen King, making him one of my favorite authors. Firestarter kept me on my toes, and left me craving more. :)
Friday and the Year That Followed by Juan J. Morales

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Currently, Juan Morales is my professor. I picked his book up after Juan read a few poems for the class. To this day, his writing has been very inspirational. He writes from the heart, weaving his poems from tales told to him through his family. He writes of places and events in a way that the reader can feel as if they are really there, and thats what I got from this collection. Any reader can read the passion he has while reading his poems. I truly enjoyed reading his work.
Ghosts and Goblins by Wilhelmina Harper

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Cute stories. Definitely good for younger children or adults wanting a quick read. Great selection of stories for Halloween. Loved the pace and length of each story, as well. Didn't feel overwhelmed or rushed. Would recommend to anyone wanting a cute quick read. :-)
In My Dreams, Neruda by Katie Kingston

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I really enjoyed these poems. I was lucky enough to meet Katie at a poetry reading. She read with fluency and knowledge of what she wrote, and even gave a brief biographical background on a poem she had written. Each poem in the collection had their own unique voice, yet flowed well with each other. Her poems are rich in history and descriptions, but not over-whelming. I can't wait to read her next collections. :)
Injecting Dreams Into Cows by Jessy Randall

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Wow! This collection kept me laughing hard! I love humor in poetry, and this definitely hit the mark. She has a one-line poem that was so simple, yet so real. I was lucky enough to meet Jessy at a poetry reading, and she was so down to earth, just like her works. They flowed well with each other, voicing concerns about life in a humorous manner. I am really excited to begin another of her collections. :)