brannonkrkhuang's reviews
468 reviews

Frankenstein: The 1818 Text by Mary Shelley

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I would like to say that this book is an excellent tale of the created fighting back against its unjust, cruel creator. We should all be inspired to fight against God until God permits all of humanity to enter heaven. Down with hell, and down with any God who makes a hell.
Redhead by the Side of the Road by Anne Tyler

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Oh my god i love Anne Tyler so much how did nobody ever tell me about her???? I love her, after all??? I could seriously listen to her audiobooks all day. Her writing flows so well, it's insane. Loved this little book.
A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler

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Anne Tyler might be one of the most goated writers of all time for this one. Pardon me while I read more HER!
Middlemarch by George Eliot

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It’s true for myself personally that this is one of the greatest books ever written. I got lost in this, and it was such a wonderful time. The massive scope and scale of the book was not an issue for me. I was just happy to be there in Middlemarch for as long as I could be. 
Stories We Tell Ourselves by Richard Holloway

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Not quite what I was hoping this would be. He spent a lot of time writing in a way that just seemed defeatist. Communism and Socialism are painted as these evil systems that can only possibly lead to massive death and destruction, which is, frankly, ridiculous when you look into the death toll of capitalism, which is astronomically worse. It seems that he's still bought into this "sin nature" concept and has shrugged his shoulders and given up on a better world. "Oh well, people will always be evil and the evil people will always have power and that's OK, because any challenge to the status quo is worse."

The fact is, capitalism is a cancer. Corporations and billionaires think they can keep burning the planet's resources, but they can't, because our resources will run out, and just like how cancer in the body expands until it can't anymore and it kills the body, the cancer of capitalism will kill the earth.

Whatever story you tell yourself, don't shrug your shoulders and accept the horrors happening around us. Unite, organize, and work toward a better world.
The Hour of the Star by Clarice Lispector

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Oh dear this book is good. The fist paragraph alone is a book in itself. Beautifully written.
My Phantoms by Gwendoline Riley

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Oh damn this is a good book. It was painful though, as these things are.
The Wind in the Willows: The Centennial Anniversary Edition by Kenneth Grahame

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This book is painfully, adorably cute and a bit boring. By the end I just skimmed through to see what happened.
We Had to Remove This Post by Hanna Bervoets

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Excellent short book! I love short books (which are excellent)!!!