breesbookshelf_'s reviews
139 reviews

Curvy Girls Can't Date Quarterbacks by Kelsie Stelting

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This book was cute. A funny and lighthearted read over spring break! It focuses on a senior, Rory, as she struggles with having confidence and body positivity as a curvy girl. When “Mean Girl Merritt” makes a bet that she can’t get the quarterback to ask her out to homecoming, Rory accepts the challenge. However as she continues it she realizes what a mistake she has made and how to come to terms with that. She had a great character development and through the people she meets, she begins to realize her self worth and that her size doesn’t define her. This book is an ode to finding yourself and a story that reminds us that we are all more than our biggest insecurities. HOWEVER, I’m not going to lie some parts were CHEESY, and could’ve been written better… The plot was also SUPER predictable like within the first 5 chapters I knew what would happen…I still finished it to see how everything would turn out though. So overall, a cute read I started on my train ride… (since it was on prime reading) Not super deep, but this book definitely has some important themes.
I Can Fix That by Juliana Smith

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This book was such a cute read!! I really enjoyed it! I finished it in less than 48 hours so it was certainly not boring! It was a nice and needed change of pace from some of the historical fiction books I have been reading. I absolutely love June Hart and Grant Dawes’ relationship. Their banter was extremely cute and if there are any Gilmore Girls fans out there, they are very reminiscent of Luke Danes & Lorelai Gilmore… I feel like sometimes it can be tricky to have a good romance. One that’s not over the top sappy, one with comedic elements, one that doesn’t seem to drag on and one with relatable and lovable characters. Juliana did just that!! I laughed many times and stayed up late into the night to see what would happen. Towards the end there were a few things that happened that were a bit predictable like you could definitely tell that it was going to happen. Nonetheless, it was still an extremely cute summer read and this is definitely a book to add to your Summer TBR when it releases!!!