brittanymwillows's reviews
95 reviews

The Amalgam by Agustin Guerrero

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This was a story I found thoroughly enjoyed. It was entertaining from beginning to end, had interesting characters and awesome sci-fi action. While I have some personal nitpicks with Agustin Guerrero's writing style (little things, like the spelling of "okay" as "ok"), it was clean and flowed together nicely, bringing life to the world and cast he created.

I would recommend this to those who enjoy a good science fiction story and don't mind swearing, and I'll certainly be looking forward to any future works by this author!
The Unseen Face by Joannes Rhino, Don Cox

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Let me start this review off by saying: what a unique and well written piece of fiction! Joannes Rhino has incredible talent. His writing style is almost poetic and each sentence flows wonderfully across the page, making for an easy and enjoyable read that had me hooked from the beginning. At no point does the book feel rushed or sluggish, the characters are well-developed and relatable . . . and that ending! It left me hungering for more, just as all books should do!

I urge you to pick this up. Even if you're not usually a thriller/suspense fan, give it a read! You will not be disappointed.
The Shadows Breathe by Kathleen Marentes

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As horse-related books go, this is probably one of the best! Kathleen Marentes has woven an absolutely fantastic story. The characters are realistic and well-developed, the plot is solid and very easy to follow, and the writing style is wonderful. One of the other things I liked about the book was the dialogue. It is very well written, and that seems to be something that a lot of others slip up on.

Overall, I enjoyed this story. It was entertaining from beginning to end, and I adored it! I'll definitely be recommending this one to my friends and family.
Suicide Plunge by Philip W. Arnold

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While the Suicide Plunge is a perfect read for young adults, it's a story that would appeal to people in any age group. Phillip Arnold has a wonderful set of well-drawn characters and great a talent for writing. His writer's voice is clear and fluid, very easy to read. I was sad when I reached the end of this book, because I was hooked on it and wanted more! Only reason for the four-star review is that it's not the genre I typically read in and enjoy, but it was still a truly fantastic book!
The Keeper of the Stones by M.J. Webb

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I absolutely adored this story. Loved it from start to finished. M.J. Webb's characters are wonderful and realistic, they're loveable and relatable. The writing is reasonably smooth and makes for a pretty easy and enjoyable read, however I did find some areas in which descriptions were a little heavy. I wish I could say which areas to be a little more helpful, but, unfortunately, I can't recall whereabouts in the book they were.

Anyhow, this booked earned a recommendation to my friends and family. It's amazing, and you won't be disappointed!

And curse that cliffhanger ending! Gah, I want more of this story and I want to find out what happens next. Thanks to M.J. Webb for exchanging books with me and giving me the opportunity to read this story.
Nightcrawler by John Reinhard Dizon

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Nightcrawler is a fast-paced and very well written superhero story. I really connected to the characters and became emotionally attached to many of them throughout the book. I liked the hint of romance in the book, it was a nice change to the in-your-face romantic relationships I’ve come across a lot lately in these self-published stories. Sometimes it works, but most times it is just way too over the top. I think that’s one of the things I really loved about this story, as I’m not really a fan of romance to begin with.

Overall, I enjoyed the read, the characters, and the writing style was wonderful. Highly recommended!
Well Before the Beginning: The First Expedition by Jake Taylor

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A world intriguing as the one Jake Taylor has created is sure to pull you in and refuse to let go until the final page. With a well-drawn cast of characters and a very fluid writing style, Well Before the Beginning comes alive in a way that many stories fail to, and I loved every minute of it. As eager as I was to figure out how it would conclude, I didn't want it to end!

However, I do have a couple of nitpicky things. I feel the dialogue was lacking in a few areas, and, as another reviewer mentioned, the underlying motif could be improved upon. Despite these little things, it is still an excellent read! Definitely recommended.

Four stars! <3
Darkfall (Eye of the Draco, #1) by Kadin Seton

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Eye of the Draco: Darkfall has to be one of the best science fiction novels I have read in an incredibly long time. Kadin Seton is a highly talented writer who knows how to handle a cast of young characters properly, and without making them seem like a bunch of goofy kids. The situation feels serious, it feels real. So many books lack that nowadays and I find it's a very important quality, because if the story doesn't feel real, I start to lose interest.

Overall, this book was just a breath of fresh air. A somewhat different take on an alien invasions I'm used to reading about, an absolutely wonderful cast of characters you get attached to super fast. good pacing, and easy to read with just the right amount of science-y goodness.

Eagerly awaiting the release of the next installment of the series!
Life After by J.J. Holden

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My love for the post-apocalyptic genre continues to grow with Life After! It's been a few months since I read a good book in this genre, and this one was definitely a fantastic way to get back into it. While I personally found that a few passages were written a little awkwardly (could be due to the style I'm used to reading in), it did not dull my enjoyment one bit, and JJ Holden certainly has a knack for drawing interesting characters who enthrall you in their story and keep you hooked from the first page to the very last.

Overall, I truly enjoyed the read. Definitely recommended!