broccsi's reviews
815 reviews

The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren

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ngl, these characters had zero chemistry, so I was actually relieved when she found out they aren't a "diamond match". but WHY ON EARTH did she decide to give him a chance after finding out their relationship was built on LIES and even more LIES. this guy was super manipulative and she was fine with that?? 
Stolen Kisses by Andreas Suchanek

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ugh, ich hasse es, einer queeren Romance so eine schlechte Bewertung zu geben, aber ich komm gar nicht drauf klar, wie wenig Chemie zwischen den zwei Protagonisten vorhanden war und wie realitätsfern einige Leute leben. Sorry, aber nicht jede Person lebt in einem sicheren Umfeld und nicht jeder möchte sich outen 
und dieser Business sideplot hat mich auch gar nicht interessiert 
naja, ist ne nette queere Romance für zwischendurch, aber mehr auch nicht 
Die Erschöpfung der Frauen: Wider die weibliche Verfügbarkeit by Franziska Schutzbach

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challenging dark informative reflective


this is the BEST book I've read so far this year and I want EVERYONE to read it!!

women being exhausted isn't an individual problem, but a systemic one. it's a tough read to get through, recognising the reasons for feeling exhausted all the time, but it's so worth it. we do need to change things and knowing all of these things -especially for men- is so important. 
and to any woman reading this: you are doing more than enough. take a break. you shouldn't be doing all of these things and be available all of the time 
If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha

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challenging dark emotional sad


it's a great concept, but not really a great execution. there are too many povs and it gets confusing really fast, the characters feel very dull and flat and the overall commentary feels very surface level. the writing style also wasn't for me, but that's very subjective 

but maybe I'm just let down because I've had very high expectations. 
Vom Ende der Einsamkeit by Benedict Wells

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dark emotional reflective sad medium-paced


feels like there are a million stories like that out there. but I liked the writing style, it was very precise 
Gregs Tagebuch 18 - Kein Plan von nix by Jeff Kinney

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funny lighthearted fast-paced


a diary of a wimpy kid book never fails