brunelladonmc's reviews
629 reviews

Saving Verakko by Victoria Aveline

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I have read this twice now and while we love a reluctant girly, Lilly takes it to a whole new level and at some point I couldn't help but wonder if she even truly wants to be happy? A little dragged out for the sake of having a "slow burn" because at the end of the day they're fated mates and the conflict was not strong enough.
Deep End by Ali Hazelwood

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The love???? Everything to me :) Lukas is in fact the only man that has ever existed in the world. I really appreciated the exploration of kink the characters we able to participate in. Even though the points of contention that bloom later in the book are obviously brewing throughout, it didn't feel too spoon-fed or predictable when shit finally hit the fan. Hazelwood does a great job of trusting the reader so the foreshadowing just makes your hackles rise, it doesn't make you cringe. Ultimately great and realistic (considering the greatness of our two MCs).

Let's just say I had too many things in common with the FMC and just enough differences to be annoyed with her re: med school stuff, but that is a personal problem.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

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Hi, devastating! What a brilliant read, it was wild how words on a page can make you sob and yell at made up characters for their actions. I mean it as a compliment when I say that this book made me feel so helpless and useless, I felt like I was tied up in a room with tape over my mouth trying desperately to return the connection I felt with these characters to have them make better decisions.

The burden of having a deeper insight than Amir into life in general, into the motivations of the people around him really made it all the more hurtful when he messed up. Amir is a coward through and through and you're left not wanting to root for him but being stuck with him, almost a mirror to how in life we are stuck with ourselves and it is ultimately up to us to become the people we want to see. Amir from the beginning admired other character's integrity and honesty but literally could not bring himself to be integral and honest when presented with the opportunity. It is not enough to be self aware, we must have the bravery to be better when we see our failings.
Loud: Accept Nothing Less Than the Life You Deserve by Drew Afualo

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emotional informative relaxing


This was a very solid first book! If you've read nonfiction/self-help/motivational/memoir type books then you'll notice where Afualo is still getting her bearings but that comes with a level of honesty and vulnerability in the stories she chose to include that more experienced writers of the genre seem to flit past. I thought it was great and am excited to see what her next book(s) may be like, should she choose to revisit writing. I have been a follower of hers for years and it was special to feel closer to her story with this book, and get a peek behind the curtain of her confidence and surety and feel inspired to cultivate the same in myself. The concept she explores of "being at peace with dying alone" altered my brain chemistry, no joke.
Anne of Ingleside by L.M. Montgomery

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A true continuation of a classic, flawlessly transitioning into a more omniscient third person as we get toook into almost all 6 Blythe kiddos, the neighbors or Ingleside. Such a comfort series, love seeing our Anne all grown up and being the bestest mommy ever. 
Blood Kiss by J.R. Ward

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I just love JR Ward and I will read and enjoy anything she writes anything in the BDBverse. It was nice to get the dynamics between Butch and Marissa but I’ll be honest, the established mates’ conflicts in later books are getting repetitive and it is not longer heightening the stakes.
Daydream by Hannah Grace

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VERY sweet!! Loved the friendship dynamics as well, what a cute bow to put on the series to wrap everyone’s stories up! Henry is so intense and hot and all-in and I loved to read how their love made them grow!
Once Smitten, Twice Shy by Chloe Liese

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I will read anything this woman writes (and have and do!). Leise just knows how to write the comfiest sweetest love. She understands mate vibes and for that she will always have a fan in me!!

Will is the only dream man there ever was actually. The best Will in every timeline (hehehe iykyk). A love a neurodivergent man who does not believe he has a capacity or need for a true real deep love and he finds it anyway!!!!!!!
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall

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VERY cute!! Gracewood is the only hero ever I swoon over the way he loves his ladyyyy. Talk about an all-in man! The third act was kinda all over the place, not the most necessary loose ends being tied up and concluded. 
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

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A classic for a reason!!! Shoutout Jane Austen for always writing the BEST dialogue ever. The scathing personal politics and scandals of the time are actually so juicy I’m obsessed