bubblewombat's reviews
2393 reviews

Sin: The Mate Games by Meg Anne

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adventurous dark emotional funny hopeful relaxing tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes



First thing's first, Operation PUFFIN. Yes. BIIIG YES. Possibly the funniest chapters in the book, and we got to see the other players as a cherry on top. The first two recording sessions, I didn't think we'd see more than a few total, but the third one really blew me away, my heart is full, I missed them all so much.

Second, SHANE EAST. The narrator who became my fav the moment I first listened to Meg Anne's solo books has a main role in this epic series??? To say I'm happy would be an understatement. He's the perfect addition to the Mate Games cast, so it's no wonder I've been favouring a certain character.

Third, Crombie. You already know I love him and he'll get a shoutout any time I see him. I love his dynamic with Lilith AND Sinclair. He'll never fail to make me laugh.

Ok now, the actual stars of the show, Merri and the infamous Horsemen of the Apocalypse!! I feel like I've been waiting to meet the four Horsemen forever and now that I have...I'm in love with all of them. Oopsie.

Am I jealous of Merri? Yes. Would I take her place in a heartbeat? Also yes.

The Horsemen are tasked not only with protecting Merri, but also with preventing someone else from sinking their claws into her. But you know, after those beach dreams, I wouldn't blame Merri if she fell for his charms.

Merri is such a great character to follow, because she's a succubus with a ravenous appetite, raised by auntie Lillith, who cams in order to feed. So what's gonna happen when she's stuck in a penthouse with her new "bodyguards" you ask? Chaos. Hah, I had to.

The tension was perfect, and the scenes where the Horsemen "helped" our dear girl to feed were simply delicious.

I said I love all four of them, but Grim is my fav, surprise surprise. I am also partial to Luc. Yes, look at me, falling for the bad guy (again). Even if Merri doesn't somehow end up with all five of them (or six, Cole, anyone?), I'm along for the ride.

Speaking of Cole, I do have ~ theories ~. I don't think he'd have as much interaction with Merri if he wasn't important, or someone we'll be introduced to later. Or maybe it's someone we already know? Either way, he's suuuper sweet, I'd love to see more of him. Also, I feel bad for him because at least twice, from what I remember, his private session with Merri was cut short. Let my man live!!

But other than that, I don't know which of the Horsemen is going to succeed in their "mission" and stop the Apocalypse, I can't predict it. Maybe it'll be all four, wouldn't that be something? They are supernaturals, after all.

Bonus points for Andi, who seems like a true gal pal, and that Cerberus cameo, I DIED, I WAS LITERALLY ON THE FLOOR, I wasn't expecting that. It's actually even funnier when you remember whose voice Sin was imitating that one time. Full circle moment.

The ending was obviously a cliffhanger, I am panicking as we speak. What a way to leave us hanging, you gotta love Kim and Meg.

Lastly (because I saw a few people read this book only), please go back to the first Mate Games book, and read the whole universe from the beginning. It's so much better to start there and have all the context rather than just jumping into this one.

*Thank you to the authors for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
Scream For Us by Molly Doyle

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adventurous dark funny lighthearted fast-paced


Ghostface, Michael Meyers and Jason Voorhees walk into a party...it could be the start of a joke, but it's actually the premise of this book, in which they save a girl from unwanted advances and help her live out her fantasies for only one night.

It's a pretty standard Halloween novella, Masked Men included. It's almost all smut, with a little killing here and there (bonus points for offing the bullies).

Ghostface (or rather the person wearing his mask) was the one who got the most action, then Jason, Michael was kinda in the background most of the time. That probably balances out in the next books, which I'm planning on reading. But yeah, Ghostie was definitely THEE main character of this read.

Hopefully the next one has a bit more plot.
Quicksilver by Callie Hart

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adventurous challenging tense medium-paced
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated


I mean...this was certainly a book!! The first and last hundred or so pages were the best, the rest? Ehhhhh.

I feel like the story really went downhill when Fisher was introduced, I was highlighting his lines in green (aka a colour I use for things that are creepy or just rub me the wrong way), and there were so many that were supposed to be sexy and make me feel something, but I felt absolutely nothing.

Actually, I'm lying, I cringed at one specific scene, you probably already know which one:

“When you were grinding yourself all over my lap, you marked me up very efficiently,” he purred.

I read that and felt like closing the book forever. And the paragraph that came before it, her "perfumes", I'm not posting it because of spoilers but like...no.

The whole romance annoyed me, mainly because of Fisher. I wasn't a fan of how Saeris acted in his presence, because I really liked her as a character on her own. And the stream was something I had to skim over, I think this is also due to the writing, which I wouldn't say is for me.

Fisher did get better at the end of the book, but not enough for me to like or care about him.

I will say that I liked the concept of mate bonds here, which is no surprise, considering the soulmate trope is my favourite, I just wish I liked Fisher more so I could fully appreciate it.

Generally, Quicksilver had some interesting parts, like the lore & alchemy, the world isn't badly crafted, the side characters aren't one-dimensional (Carrion might be my fav), there were even a few funny scenes here and there, and the ending was pretty good.

I can see why people love this, but it just didn't do it for me.
A Dangerous Game by Mandy Robotham

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adventurous emotional informative mysterious reflective sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes


I love how I always learn something new when reading a Mandy Robotham book. This time, I learned about The Great Smog which affected London in 1952, taking thousands of lives, and yet an event I knew nothing about.

At the start of the year (and the last few days or 2024), we had a smog problem in my city, which I couldn't help but think back to as I read A Dangerous Game. Luckily, our smog wasn't as deadly as the one described here, but it was certainly harder to breathe.

So I related to Harri and Dexie in more ways than one would expect! And Harri specifically, was a character I wanted to see more of, after reading The Hidden Storyteller, so I'm glad he got his own book, and a little romance to boot.

It was also nice to see Georgie and Max making a cameo appearance, and helping out in their own way. But Harri and Dexie were the real stars, I loved seeing their dynamic duo in action as they tracked down a Nazi hiding in plain sight, and got to know each other on a deeper level in the process.

Through Dexie, we got to see what life was like for a policewoman back in the 50s, down to the tiniest detail (yes, someone did make her fetch tea as if she were a secretary). It only made me appreciate Harri all the more, because he always praised his fellow colleagues back in Germany, and was adamant nothing would've been solved if it hadn't been for them.

He also gave Dexie the space to be herself, and treated her like a person, one more than capable of doing her job. It's no wonder she fell for him, really, I would too!

We got to explore post-war London, which I don't read about often, and see the effects WW2 had on every person we encounter.

Which reminds me, there is a moment where a character hesitates before making a decision, and even I can't say what I would've done in their place. I know my brain would've panicked and it probably would've ended exactly the same.

As that was happening, the image that flashed in this character's mind was chilling and brought tears to my eyes.

On a lighter note, there's a cute canine companion, who's one of my favourite characters in the book!

The plot was engaging and well-researched. I had no trouble following all the threads, thanks to Robotham's excellent writing.

You can read A Dangerous Game on its own, or you can start the journey with The Berlin Girl, get to know Georgie who started it all, and then follow her on a different adventure in The Hidden Storyteller where she meets Harri, and the rest is history. Hah. I had to.

Whichever book you choose to start with, you won't regret it, because Mandy Robotham is a master of historical fiction. You'll be pulled into the lives of her characters in no time.

*Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
Hexed by Emily McIntire

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adventurous dark sad medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


Never After series, COMPLETE!! I can now give you guys my final ranking, which is:

Hooked > Wretched > Scarred > Crossed > Twisted > Hexed

Mind you, all but the first two I rated 4 stars, so there's only very slight differences between them that affect my ranking, mainly how much fun I had while reading & how well I connected to the characters.

Anyway, the Little Mermaid references were the best part of Hexed. McIntire's clever use of them reminded me of Hooked, which seemed to be the most like the original story so far. I really appreciated them, even though I'm not a huge fan of the cartoon myself.

I also liked the romance, and the narration, the story was so-so, not my favourite in the series, clearly. But the effort the author put into it is apparent.

I'm glad that I not only picked this series up, but also finished it (I have over 100 unfinished series...I'm working on it), two of the books became ultimate faves, the other four were still great reads, and I'm excited to dive into whatever Emily McIntire puts out next.
Bells on the Bayou: A Very Broussard Christmas by Izzy Ravas, Izzy Ravas

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dark fast-paced


Read this for the pet gator & the accents. It was fun, though I'm not 100% sold on continuing the series (if more books come out, that is). It's possible I won't be able to resist, since reads like this are normally up my alley, but we'll see.
Wicked Games by Izzy Ravas

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dark medium-paced


The Hills Have Eyes...but in the bayou? Sold!! These are exactly the vibes I expect from my horror & thriller books, and they were on point in Wicked Games, down to the Cajun accents Wilder and Ollie had. That was undoubtedly my favourite part of the book, the rest left a little to be desired.

So, this is a novella, but I wanted Marlowe to be more than just a cardboard cutout of a character, she went with the flow a little too much, let the twins get away with some things they shouldn't have
like killing her brother
, and it was hard to connect to her.

The twins I liked to an extent, I would've liked them better had they only
killed the stepmother without assaulting her
. But I would say they're more fleshed out as characters than Marlowe is. 

Plot wise, there isn't much going on, but the ending does leave room for a possible continuation. I know there's a Christmas novella out, and I might give it a try to see how the story ends (or continues) aaaand also to read about a pet alligator. 
The Hidden Storyteller by Mandy Robotham

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adventurous mysterious slow-paced


I read The Berlin Girl back in 2020, which was my first book by Mandy Robotham and the first one featuring Georgie as well. Then came this one which somehow wasn't on my radar, and the newest story is coming out on January 16th, so I decided to catch up before jumping into it.

I've read every other book by this author that has come out since, and enjoyed all of them, but this one didn't fully work for me, even if I loved seeing Georgie again. It just wasn't as exciting as the first book, and the serial killer storyline, which I normally like, took too long to develop.

What I did like was the historical details, learning about what life was like for people in Hamburg right after WW2, Georgie, Meta, Zofia and Harri.

I even shipped Georgie with Harri when I remembered how much Max annoyed me previously, and with the doubts Georgie had during the book, I was thinking the story might really go in that direction. (Un)Fortunately, it didn't, but I liked their interactions anyway.

And I did also feel bad for Max, so I'm not too displeased that he's still in the picture.

Meta was the most interesting character this time around, I loved her chapters and her keen sense of smell. There was a moment where I was really scared for her, but she was used to living dangerously so I knew she had to be okay.

Anyway, the next book follows Harri, so I am glad I managed to read The Hidden Storyteller ahead of time. I have faith that his book will be more up my alley than this one was.
A Duel with the Vampire Lord by Elise Kova

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adventurous dark funny hopeful informative mysterious relaxing sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes


“What am I going to do with you?”
“Love me forever?” My mouth moves on its own.
“Careful, or I just might.”

The best book in the series so far!! As with the ones that came before it, I both listened and read at the same time which is the *proper* way to experience the Married to Magic series, if you ask me. And not just because the graphic audios skip parts here and there and I gotta read EVERYTHING, but because the cast was wonderful, and I love the sound affects.

We got a world expansion, and with it an interesting new plot. Though, the retelling parts went right over my head, I must admit. I can see why people got Beauty and the Beast vibes from this, but if anything it's a Van Helsing retelling to me.

I loved the concept of the forge-maiden, and the descriptions of her forging different types of weapons, the feeling of the forge's heat as she works, the care with which she handles her tools and her innate understanding of metals.

Somehow that meshed very well with a Vampir (yes, the Serbian spelling was present in the book, huzzah!!) Lord, who knew?

They were perhaps the couple with the most slow-burn relationship thus far, I don't have any complaints. I'd even say that less of this book is focused on the romance compared to the first two. I loved their interactions when they did occur, and the sweet lines we got from Ruvan because of it.

I loved the plot as well, there were parts of it I couldn't figure out until the very end.

I agree with some of the reviews saying that it could've been shorter, but I also think that it's better it wasn't, because then it probably would've been a three star read for me instead of a four star one. There wouldn't have been as much time for character & plot development, so I'm happy with the book as is.

Hopefully the next two will be just as good. I don't know if more books are coming, but I'd like to see the audiobook for book five come out this year so I can be fully caught up with the series, if not I don't mind reading it myself, but yeah.
Slaying the Holidays by Beatrix Hollow

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adventurous dark emotional funny lighthearted relaxing fast-paced
  • Loveable characters? Yes


I was not expecting to be gigging so much while reading this and yet!! My very first book by this author, it seems I've chosen well.

At the beginning I was like, okay, standard holiday novella, but then the humour and the silliness came in and I just couldn't stop reading. It was SO GOOFY, quite ridiculous, but I loved it all the same.

The (questionable) romance was my favourite part because these two have a lot of chemistry, like A LOT. I was nearing the end when I started to get sad that there weren't many pages left, because I haven't had enough of them. I'd read a whole series about their shenanigans.

And the fact that Soren loves family gatherings was the icing on the cake, the way he acted around Sophie's family was just adorableeeee. You don't understand, I'M OBSESSED.

This was such a fun read, I'll have to read more of Beatrix Hollow's books. If they're as unhinged as this one, I'm definitely along for the ride.