buenobooks's reviews
86 reviews

Lucky by Marissa Stapley

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I really enjoyed this read. I went into the book with no expectations. I really think I enjoyed the book way more because of this.

I loved the plot (even if it was far-fetched at times) and the fact that there were some twists and turns I never saw coming. The main character ‘lucky’ is such a fun character and has a great back story.

There was also some great humour throughout and every character brought something to the story whether big or small.

A quick and easy read!
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

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Although I finished this book in one sitting. It was a 3 star review for many reasons.

I had heard such great things about this book and unfortunately it just missed the mark for me.

The chapters were short, and that really helped for a quick and easy read, it did keep me interested and wanting to turn the page to get to the next chapter.

However I found the book at times to be extremely overly descriptive, almost to the point it took away from the story. I felt the author was almost trying to up the word count for an already short book. Some words seemed unnecessary.

There were also a lot of characters and even though at the beginning you are given a map of the island and run down of the family tree, which is great. I still ended up getting confused at times. I do think this was because of the writing style maybe.

The main character was great and I enjoyed the POV.

Overall the plot was good, I did enjoy the story. There was a good plot twist at the end, I did guess early on that it may have been it but I think overall it was good, just not my usual mystery book and the writing style just wasn’t for me in this one.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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Wow. Where do I begin. I had such high expectations for this book after reading so much about it and the hype surrounding it... and my expectations were definitely met.

Firstlv...I loved the lavout of this book. How each
Husband had a dedicated section... how Evelyn told her story with no remorse and pure satisfaction. I love how her story was told through a memoir and the back and forth between then and now. The newspaper clippings adding just that bit more reality. I forgot it was a fiction.

The entire plot itself was so good.
I really forgot I was reading a fictional historical character. Evelyn felt so real to me, and I think TJR has a way with characters that brings them to life and makes them feel like they are a part of our world.

The twist at the end was good, I probably expected a bigger twist for the hype following the book but it was still a great twist and linked the entire story together so well.

The fact I found Evelyn so unlikeable and yet found myself obsessed with her just like others in the book.
Her characters aura and attraction was portrayed so well.

I found myself grinning and crying at this story at all the most unexpected moments. I really enjoyed this read and would 100% re-read in the future! Not something I would usually go for but I am so glad I did.
The Setup by Lizzy Dent

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Unfortunately this book ended up being more of a skim at times. I nearly DNF'd multiple times.

Although I think the plot was a great idea and I could see where the author was going, I found the main character extremely hard to connect with. She was too negative too corny and too predictable. The plot was there but I found it a bit too much at times, which is probably because I am not extremely into astrology.

I feel I may have enjoyed this one a couple of years ago when I was first getting into romance novels.

The reason I am giving this book the two stars, is because there was some funny aspects and there was a good message trying to be portrayed within this story.

It just really wasn’t my type of rom-com.
Blood Orange by Harriet Tyce

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Blood Orange is about a workaholic, alcohol dependent woman Alison who is struggling with multiple relationships in her life all while working her first murder case. This story features some pretty heavy and dark topics.

At first I really was hooked with this book. I read about a quarter of the way through in one sitting and was dying to read it again as soon as I put it down.

About half way through I grew impatient with how slow the story was, I was waiting for that 'thrill' moment but it seemed to never come and I nearly DN'd this book...well thank god I continued on because come the last few chapters the thrill was waiting for came and it was as juicy as those blood oranges.

Trigger warning advised when reading this book especially those last few chapters as there is some dark topics discussed that many people would find uncomfortable but my god the twists kept twisting.

I also really enjoyed the writing style. Although the main character Alison is set up to be unlikeable ended up backing her to the end and wanting her to win over some hard hitting moments!

Although a slow burn thriller isn't usually up my street I ended up LOVING this ending and completely understand why the book was set up as it was.
Overall a great book, I recommend anyone who is into thrillers to give this a read!
The Fine Print by Lauren Asher

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I was influenced to read this book by some of my bookstagram friends and I’m glad I did.

This book is the first in a series of three books. Each book follows a different brother and their own story. This book followed Rowan and Zahra on their own personal journeys to becoming a couple.

Zahra is a ray of sunshine who essentially works for Rowan due to circumstances. I liked Zahra’s character but did find her ‘sunshine’ attitude over bearing at times. I loved her unique pin collection and the message behind this. I also loved the added pin at the end for such a life changing moment.

Rowan, the most angst and grumpy character. Everything I expected him to be with a little spice. I loved his character and enjoyed seeing him interact with his brothers. also his relationship with Ani was such a great part of the story.

Ani, Zahra’s little sister and the only ‘side character’ that matters in my eyes. I loved her comedic timing and how she handled Rowan even at his worst moments. Their bond was great and she really was a support to both of them.

Overall I enjoyed this read. I won’t give too much away to the actual plot of this story but it was definitely a page turner for me. The only reason for four stars was the cringe writing that really took me out of some moments in the story, also a little predictable but there was a good message behind it and it really was a great romance.

I will definitely continue with this series.