caffeinatedchapters's reviews
96 reviews

The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

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it was fun to reread after watching the show
Call Me Daddy by Jade West

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i dnf at a bit over 50% and i’m counting it because i am.

i dont even know, yall. sometimes i was interested abd sometimes i was like what the heck?? im all for a good daddy kink book, i wont even lie—but this?? before she met him she was acting like an adult and independant and doing her thing. after him, she was getting excited over cereal and a kids bedroom set up, which wasnt that bad seeing as she grew up poor and neglected and whatnot. but then, the smut scenes IN his late kids bedroom??? NO THANKS OMG. and the constantly reffering to herself as little post meeting him, little hands compared to his big ones. it was just…trying too hard to convey that this was a DK book. it was so uncomfortable.

i really drew the line at—"His tongue pushes inside my mouth, and he lets out a groan, and I love that. I love the way it sounds. I love the way his tongue feels, too. Hot and just the right amount of wet. I love the way it moves around mine, the way he pushes so deep.”

HELP?? i hate the idea if kissing with tongue, i hate actually trying, it feels disgusting—its a no for me…i couldve gone my while life without reading this.

very glad i was not a young girl when i read this, sadly i wouldnt have known any better and probably ate it uo thinkinh ut was good and what i should want. hell no.
Exodus by Kate Stewart

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i did it!! i read it and didn’t cry
Heartless by Elsie Silver

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this was my first read by Elsie and even though they can be read as standalones, i’m sad i didn’t start with flawless. so i’m about to go read it now because this book was damn amazing and i fell in love with every single character. Harvey is funny as hell, omg. i miss willa and cade so much already. and luke ahhh, that little bug. i work with kids so i genuinely enjoy the crazy things they say. it was a fun time with luke. i’m just so happy, this book was so wholesome, lovable, funny, and sexy. i was blushing, laughing out loud, swooning. everything. go read it !!!
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

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read it now. and if you don’t want to read it, listen to it. don’t just watch the movie. i promise, this will forever be better than the movie by the longest shot. ugh i miss everyone already.