caffeinewiccan's reviews
145 reviews

Tempted by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

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Okay, saying I "read" this book isn't technically true. I started it, got about halfway through and put it down. Why does it always seem like Zoey is stuck with 3 "boyfriends"? Honestly? It gets old after awhile. I'm glad she finally got rid of Erik...but now she needs to lose the human and get rid of the creepy Native American myth (not that I have anything wrong with that, I loved these books because I am Cherokkee so I could relate) and go with the Red Vampyr or be single for awhile or go lesbian. I don't think I'm going to read anymore of these books. Not when it seems like the same base over and over again.
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

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Very much leaves you hanging. But I must say, she is very good about making everything have a purpose.
And Then There Were None: A Mystery Play in Three Acts by Agatha Christie

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Oh my goodness it's insane! The way she has you believe it's one person or "This one is next" and you find you are WAY off! Crazy!
Dark Side of the Moon by Sherrilyn Kenyon

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I love Sherrilyn Kenyon's books but of all of them this is my least favorite. Doesn't lack much on romance but I think my biggest problem is Susan. She doesn't really seem to have any spunk in her like ALL the other heroins do. And the fact she was allergic to him kind of got on my nerves. Of all the Kenyon books in my "library" this one is the least used. But I can honestly say I've read far worse than this.