caitsliteraryadventures's reviews
107 reviews

The Comeback by Ella Berman

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Grace Turner, endured mental, emotional, and sexual abuse from someone she thought she could trust. Someone who had promised her parents that he would look after her. Someone who was supposed to help her succeed in the Hollywood industry. She was betrayed and she turned to drugs and alcohol for comfort. Only to find there is no comfort in that. She burnt bridges with her family, her friends. People who were in her corner. She was pushing away because she wasn't sure how to handle being sexually assaulted, but who would know how to handle that? Especially it being from someone with a lot of "power" and big reputation. That can be intimidating. She leaves for a year and tries to come back and regain her life and there's a bunch of obstacles in her way. She has to deal with the judgement from multiple people on her drug and alcohol abuse. She has to deal with paparazzi chasing her down asking her questions about why she left. And then she makes "friends" with her abusers wife. She is trying to confront her demons of her past and rebuild.

I loved the way this book was put together. I loved the story line and I really loved Grace. I was rooting for her the whole time. At the awards show when she got up on that stage and she told a whole crowd of people what Able had done to her. I was wishing I was there in that crowd so I could stand up and clap for her along with everyone else.

I really felt like I had traveled to LA. I felt like I was on the set of the movie she auditioned for, I felt like I was at the awards show.

This was a beautifully written book and I really enjoyed reading Grace's story and watching her unfold into this strong, amazing, beautiful woman.
The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley

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"But that's the thing about old friends, isn't it? Sometimes they don't even realize that they no longer have anything in common. That maybe they don't even like each other anymore"

I've got a couple other Lucy Foley books and this just sealed the deal for me to read them. I love a good thriller. Something that keeps you on your toes the entire book. And that's exactly what this book did. The twists and the turns. Seriously fantastic. It played out like a movie in my head. The characters and the roles they played were so spot on. The dynamic of the group is strange, but they're so captivating. Obviously they shouldn't have all stayed friends for as long as they did.
The Ladies' Room by Carolyn Brown

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This book was adorable!

Trudy finds out that her husband has been cheating on her most of their married life together.

She then "loses her mind" and other people see it in the town when really she's just trying to find her new normal now that she has found out this news about her husband. So she goes through these difficulties, mends relationships, builds new ones, and even builds her house in the process of all of this.

I fell in love with Trudy, with Billy Lee, even with Crystal- though she did irritate me at the beginning.

I thought the story was fun, and honestly I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did!
The Woman in the Window [movie Tie-In] by A.J. Finn

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I have not read a book that made my heart beat faster than this one did. I feel like I say this about every thriller I read but this one. This one threw me all over the place. So many unexpected things happened and I definitely will be recommending this book to as many people who will listen. Very excited to watch the movie!
The Chocolate Lovers' Club by Carole Matthews

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Friendship, love, and chocolate? What more could a girl want in a book?!

Lucy and her three friends Nadia, Chantal, and Autumn. All have they're own set of problems but one thing they have in common, is their love of chocolate. They meet to have chocolate and discuss their crises almost once a week...if not more. There's a couple twists and turns that were unexpected. Definitely excited to read the other books in this series and see what happens next to the Chocolate Lovers' Club!
The Midwife Murders by Richard DiLallo, James Patterson

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Did not finish book.
Didn't even get half way through this book and it went to my DNF shelf.

Maybe I'll try again later but it just didn't catch my interest.