camrelind's reviews
321 reviews

Along Came a Duke by Elizabeth Boyle

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DNF at 38%. Whew! What a slow paced book! The premise is cute though

BTW there was a line where the hero said something making the line of he should go to a foreign land and marry a savage. I was like no bueno. Not a racist asshole hero!
Dangerous by Amanda Quick

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It was a cute story, even though it took a while for me to wam up to Sebastian. I also believe that this was a it more of a mystery than a romance
His Wicked Reputation by Madeline Hunter

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Great book. I really believed their chemistry! What really shines though is the dynamic between the brothers. You can tell they really like each other and honestly have love for one another.

I wish I could see what happened with Rebecca too. I wonder who she ends up with….
Tall, Dark, and Wicked by Madeline Hunter

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3.5z I loved Ives. And I love a practical heroine! I had fun. I just wish there was more action in the ending. It was soooo rushed
Wicked in His Arms by Stacy Reid

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The flip from enemies to lovers was a bit quick for my tastes. And all the face slapping got a bit repetitive. I also wish I could see more of Livvy’s skills at fishing and hunting and crap, since so much of the book focused on that.
Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Kleypas

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I’ve been holding off on this book for a while because I didn’t want this series to end, but I finally finished it! What a cute closing. I was great to hear from all the previous couples one more time.

As for this couple, It was sooo sweet. I’m happy Beatrix and Christopher got their happy ending too
Windows by Billy London

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DNF. There was the use of the r-word, but I pushed through, reminding myself that this book is older. Then the h called the H gay as an insult, so I’m done. The book isn’t even interesting enough to look past that. Boooooo.
Wicked, My Love by Susanna Ives

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I’m sure the author had a blast writing this, and I had just as much fun reading it!
It is one of those books you shouldn’t take too seriously. I doubt the author was going for historical accuracy or trying to be realistic. It was a kooky campy read and it was a fun ride!
Music of the Night by Angela J. Ford

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A fast paced read. There were many moments that I was confused,especially with the lore/ magic system within the story.