candyg18's reviews
19 reviews

Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson

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I was not prepared for the roller coaster of emotions this book would garner from me. Reading about Pheby Delores Brown and all that she endured was as triggering for me as watching Roots for the first time was. I found myself having to read only one chapter at a time, then taking a mental break to remind myself that it was just a book albeit rooted in a lot of truth. Historical fiction is not my typical genre to read, but I am thrilled that I broadened my reading horizon and read this book. Sadeqa Johnson did a magnificent job in weaving truth interspersed with the brilliance of her imagination. I gleefully look forward to reading more of her works in the very near future!
The Perfect Ruin by Shanora Williams

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This book had more twists and turns in it than a long winding road. Just when you think you have the plot all figured out BOOM the author does a complete 180 at break neck speed, thereby making you say WTF out loud. The story was fast paced and engaging enough that I finished this book in a day. I certainly recommend this as a great read for others and that ending……… WOW!
We Are Family by LeBron James, LeBron James, Andrea Williams, Andrea Williams

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I read this middle grade book with unabashed glee and enjoyed every minute of it. We Are Family is a cute story with the main characters of Jayden, Tamika, Anthony, Dex, and Chris. The trials and tribulations that they as Hoop Group and as individuals deal with both on and off the court made this an engaging story. I truly had a vested interest in knowing how it turned out for them as a team and as individuals.
Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney

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This was my first book by Alice Sweeney, but it definitely wont be my last. This book had more twists and turns in it than the Swiss Alps! Keep me on the edge of my seat trying to figure it all out and even then I didn’t get it right, that’s the mark of a REALLY good book when the reader thinks that they know what’s going to happen and is completely wrong.
Verity by Colleen Hoover

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This is going to be a short and direct review. This book has me utterly speechless at what I just finished reading. Obviously, thats the sign of a great book worries by a great writer. WOW!
Trapped by Shae Sanders

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This novella was quite intriguing and steamy to boot. It’s great for a quick read.
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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This book was an excellent read and definitely takes on an adventure. It draws into the “games” and often you find yourself playing along, guessing, trying to figure out what the clues mean. I read this on a whim and am so happy that I did because I truly enjoyed the delight that this book provided.
You've Reached Sam by Dustin Thao

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This book gave me ALL of the feels. I was so emotionally invested in how the story ends that the pages simply flew by and before I knew it the story was over and I simply didn’t want to say good-bye either.