capuletsbirdie's reviews
183 reviews

Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney

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The writing in this is strong. I enjoyed reading the book because I found the dialogue and description realistic and enjoyable enough that somehow, I couldn't put it down! I just couldn't. I finished it in two days, of which both days were work days. Maybe it was because some of what has been said and described, I could relate to. Maybe the story was just set up to be intriguing and compelling.

Having said that, however, I have to mention how I did not like the characters much, if not at all. I don't think it was necessarily the point - to make the characters angels and likeable. Some people are probably really like that and that in itself could be a point for realistic characterisation. But all the characters' actions in this book really don't align with my values at all so it's hard for me to feel empathy so I felt emotionally dissociated from them. But again, maybe this was supposed to be the outcome?

Other than that, I didn't mind that the book didn't have quotation marks for the dialogue as it "forced" me to read everything without skipping to the dialogue. Somehow, that's a habit of mine that I'm working on, so taking away the quotation marks was a good thing for my reading experience.

And please, for the love of God, put a trigger warning! Self-harm.
Sea of Strangers by Lang Leav

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2.5 stars

I expected more. some pieces were quite nice to read but most often than not I felt like I was scrolling through Tumblr in 2013 again reading relatable break-up posts. Maybe I am not a fan of this type of poetry anymore? Maybe I grew out of it. Maybe I'm too happy to sit in my feelings of loss.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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spectacular, compelling, heartbreaking. I forget Evelyn Hugo doesn't exist because she felt so real. one of my favourite reads this year
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

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It was a quick read, I finished it in one go. Whatever I expected this book to be, this was not that. It was indeed a "nasty little nugget of terror" as described by the author himself.
101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest

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I expected essays, ended up with lists. Unfortunately just an empty influencer style book. Either I really don't like self-help books, or this one in particular just really wasn't for me.