carmennmayy's reviews
126 reviews

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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This was a fun read! It was like YA Knives Out and it definitely gave off CW tv show vibes lol. I love the mystery and thriller aspects of the story, but I think the setting could've been for college-aged characters, but I see the appeal for putting them in high school. Was not a fan of the "love triangle."
What the River Knows by Isabel IbaƱez

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This was such a hyped book and I loved the concept of magic in Egyptian ruins. I was hoping it would be explained a lot more though. The adventures and secrets were fun. The romance was there, but it just didn't hit for a "forbidden romance." I'm still excited to read the 2nd book and hopefully it'll wrap up nicely. 
The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty

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This was one of those books where I really dragged myself in starting, but once I got over the first 20% of the book, it was so good and I couldn't put it down. At roughly 532 pages and the first book of a trilogy, you can imagine there's a huge learning curve delving into this world. As someone who isn't familiar with a lot of the terms, I'm glad there was a map, a list of common definitions, and a list and description of all the tribes! I kept referring back to it and it was helpful. The pacing was a little slow at times, but it didn't detract too much from the overall reading experience. This world has magic, adventure, and political intrigue, and I definitely got sucked in.