cassthebookseller's reviews
274 reviews

The Awakening / The Struggle by L.J. Smith

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Ok so this one was bad. And I mean baaaaaad. It actually hurts me to give it 3 stars because it’s so undeserving of it. Ah oh well. Since I’m late to jump on TVD train, I couldn’t expect to get any more than the majority of reviews read. The writing was rough, the characters unlikable, and despite knowing the vampire fantasy...the entire thing was unbelievable. (And yeah, ok, I wasn’t expecting to believe a
mega hot vampire boy is going to come to town and fall super in love with me and turn me or anything, but I needed SOMETHING)

This is a rare occasion where I’m going to say the show is light years better than the book. In the first couple of pages I immediately fell head over dislike for book-Elena (show-Elena is not much better but I digress). She was mean, spoiled, rotten. Who else is going to make their friends swear by blood to help her get said mega hot vampire boy literally seconds after she dumped sweet, perfect Matt?

She’s dumb and I hate her. But I feel that way about most of the characters. Yes even Bonnie, and yes, especially Stefan. I’m most heartbroken about Damon, who had 0 redeeming qualities. All in all, the book was a mess.

Actual rating is 1.8-2 stars. But I can’t help but give it 3 because I said I wanted trashy vampire fiction and that’s EXACTLY what I got. 🤷🏻‍♀️ what can I say?

**side bar can this count as 2 books for my yearly goal? I’d say yes?????**
Night Whispers by Erin Hunter

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OOF. This one hurt. The death, betrayal. I’m shocked the writers are pushing the clans further and further apart even with the darkness looming over them all. I’m crazy with anticipation at what StarClan is trying to tell them, and why. And so many questions about the Dark Forest! So far, Omen of the Stars is really exceeding my expectations.
Fading Echoes by Erin Hunter

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Both Dovepaw and Ivypaw are starting to annoy me 🙄 despite that, I’m very excited about the progression of this set of books. This is the best plot in Warriors since the first 6.
The Near Witch by V.E. Schwab

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Wow. This really was a work of art. It was a fairytale- scary and whimsical, the world was amazing to be immersed in. There were some problems, a few things that didn’t add up, the pacing needed to be tweaked and the romance seemed thrown at us from left field. But it really was incredible. I can overlook most of that because I enjoyed this so much.

Lexi and Cole were great MC’s. And after reading the “Ash-Born Boy” I enjoyed Cole even more. I loved the witches, loved the story, loved the side characters. Everything was very well done.
Allies of the Night by Darren Shan

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*screams profanities into distance*

This is just bad. So so...bad. I was uninterested in the third book, and this feels like a do over, but worse. I just don’t care about Darren going to school, or Debbie. There’s so much more going on in vampire world and all Shan can give me is this? It feels unfinished, and I’m pouting about it.

Steve was a nice touch, but “hooky” was like Murlough all over again.

If I didn’t know this series ended well I’d probably be done based on this book, but I’ll hang in there because of nostalgia and also because I already bought the rest of them.
Hunters of the Dusk by Darren Shan

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Ok. So I’m disappointed in this one. I feel like right now is when this big ‘ol war plot is supposed to pick up, but unfortunately it’s running in the opposite direction. Why slow down when you have so much momentum?!

I don’t know if I just completely skipped this book in middle school, because I feel like I should remember how sad I was about the regression in this one.

It gets three stars because the Cirque makes an appearance, but just barely.
The Vampire Prince by Darren Shan

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There are wolves, and death, and betrayal, and triumph. Everything a good book could have. It’s a fitting set up for the next phase of the series.
Vampire Mountain by Darren Shan

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This one lacks a bit of spunk, but it’s done to build up a really big plot development so I’m here for it.
Tunnels of Blood by Darren Shan

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My least favorite in the series, even as a second time reader. Plot was weird, though informative for the remainder of the series, and I enjoyed the further character and relationship development between Darren and Crepsley.
Queen of Hearts by Colleen Oakes

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This was a good read. Though it read much younger than I wanted and anticipated, it was FUN. With all the Wonderland retellings, I enjoyed the political focus of this one, and the darkness of it all. It wasn’t bright, colorful wonderland. Instead, it was Dinah’s world, the soon to be Queen of Hearts battling for the love of her father and her kingdom.

The end was a very nice cliffhanger, and I’m excited to see how the rest of the series unfolds!