cecetales's reviews
63 reviews

Idylls of the King by Alfred Tennyson

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This is the first book I ever physically abused. I hated it so damn much. I had to read it for a university class, it made passing the class such a chore. I liked the other takes on Arthurian legend, but this one... Ack.
Strange Objects by Gary Crew

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I was charged with reading this for grade 10 English Lit, and the grammar nazi within me had a field day. I remember not minding some of the scenes, most vividly I remember some trippy, disturbing scene to do with water, a girl who may or may not have been a ghost, and a compass. If that rings no bells then damn, it was 8 years ago and forgettable I suppose. I distinctly remember being very disappointed in the editing, particularly the misspelling of shower I think, and my school's apparent disinterest in the merit of good English while studying English. I know lit classes are more ideas-focused, but I couldn't get past it and did not enjoy the book as a result. Pity, considering the reviews.