cherki_amina's reviews
417 reviews

Funny Story by Emily Henry

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Ah Emily you disappointed me šŸ˜­
For me to love Emily Henryā€™s books i literally connect emotionally with them. I just feel the characters at the deepest level. Unfortunately this didnā€™t happen in this book. I loved the writing as always and i loved those soft romantic nonsexual moments between the characters however i felt we needed way more, we needed to see them fall in love more. It felt like they went from friends to in love, i didnā€™t feel the attraction before.
Also Miles did a really dick move, i always say i love Emily Henryā€™s books because they have flawed characters and the feel real but with Miles at the end it felt too much. And even after the explanations it still felt not enough.
Iā€™m left wanting more šŸ˜­ i hope the next book would be better.
Crossroads by Devney Perry

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I fear i would never find another book by Devney Perry like Juniper Hill šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
However i still liked this book, the couple needed to communicate hell lot better ! I this is also right person wrong time romance.
The last part about her dad made me sob so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. The romance wasnā€™t that sparkly but i loved the epilogue so much šŸ„¹.
What iā€™m most excited about is Jaxā€™s story i feel like he will break my heart
Grumpy Romance by Nia Arthurs

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Cuute i just wish we saw more of Belle because i love kids in books.
Also Sasha šŸ”ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ”Ŗ
A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir

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Iā€™m feeling that the series will be my new favourite YA FANTASY series !
Sabaa Tahirā€™s is a genius, because not only the plot is amazing. But we also have amazing character arcs, interesting stories and an incredible writing style.
The Wrong Bride by Catharina Maura

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Basically he marries her instead of her sister. He falls for her she doesnā€™t believe him, he convinces her. She starts doubting again, he convinces her. She starts doubting again then he convinces her and itā€™s 300 pages of this.
Itā€™s very rare that itā€™s the FMC that i dislike and makes me not like a book but in this case it is her. Ares was nearly perfect but her insecurities and her doubting him 200 times even after saying she believes him is annoying.
I didnā€™t dislike Ares but at the same time his storyline doesnā€™t make sense, how can u say sheā€™s like your sister in the beginning and then by the end say you always loved her ??????? Make it make sense. Also the fact he felt guilty over Hannah, maybe donā€™t fuck her sister ??????? And if u do then move the fuck on.
Anyway everyone is annoying in this book
Love by Numbers: A Scarlet Series Book by Lani Young

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This is a quick novella about samoan woman and man. And it was veryyy cute. The FMC has many disability notably autism, and sensibility to the touch, smellā€¦ sheā€™s misunderstood by everyone until she meets our MMC and they quickly fall in love, get together and live happily ever after. He loves everything about her šŸ„ŗ.
Reading about the setting/country/culture made me want to visit Samoa šŸ„¹šŸ„¹
Just a psa : the romance is very insta love so donā€™t expect slow burn.
Psa2 : i very rarely like novellas because i find it doesnā€™t make sense to fall in love this quickly, however in this book it made total sense that Jacob fell for Tamarina like this.
Puck Pact by Kristen Granata

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I know better than to trust a book named puck pact. Unfortunatly i did lol. What surprised me was the MMC was such a green flag, askq and cares for consent, however the FMC was different, and in wanting to make her someone who doesnā€™t believe in love, the author made her an annoying character who literally said to the MMC when he refuses to have sex with her when she was drunk ā€œYouā€™re better than me. Iā€™d totally take advantage of you if you were drunk.ā€ excuse me what ??? 
Itā€™s always weird for me when female authors who know how important consent is write this kind of characters ! 
Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong

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It didnā€™t start strong. For around 200 pages i felt as if iā€™m reading book 1 again and that bothered me and annoyed me. Then the pace picked up and i couldnā€™t put the book down.
I would say Iā€™m disappointed a bit with the ending because lots of loose plot point were left without answers. And some events that happened at the ending didnā€™t make sense. 
We Free the Stars by Hafsah Faizal

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I loved the second book just as much as i did the first one. The characters are amazing and i love the interactions between them. And itā€™s so heartwarming seeing the progress they made and the long way they came.
Something bothered me a bit and it was the miscommunication between Zafira and Nasir sometimes i just wanted to grab them and force them to confess their feelings to each other lol. Nonetheless whenever it was Nasirā€™s chapter he would blow me away with his beautiful poetic feelings about Zafira. 
Anyway itā€™s a nice duology and i would recommend it.
Ps: Altair šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ