chippyreads's reviews
532 reviews

Feathers of Dawn by Jess Galaxie

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The perfect amount of cosy, romance and action.

The tenderness Asith and Dradevi show each other is refreshing. I’m really starting to appreciate cosy books where the main characters take the time to understand and care for one another. 

There are two distinct halves of this book. The first half Dradevi kidnaps Asith and they both live within Dradevi’s hoard on a mountain.  The second half is more adventurous with a few more characters. I’m not great with too many characters but this was the perfect amount. I could remember who everyone was and how everyone tied in with on another. 

I’m hooked and already checking the calendar for book 2 (Dec 2024)

-Non-Binary main character 
-Queer cast
-Platonic relationships
-Open door mild spice

I was given a copy from the author. All opinions are my own.

Rating: Loved = 4.5 stars 

Just Shy Of Ordinary by A.J. Sass

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OMG i loved everything about this. i cried, i laughed and i saw myself a lot in this child. this book is a must read. Rating: Obsessed = 5 stars
Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon

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 Powerful novel about escaping a religious cult and dealing with post complications. Gritty and beautiful. Rating: Love = 4.5 stars
Tell Me How It Ends by Quinton Li

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Loved the found family and use of tarot cards. writing felt a little clunky with forced conflict that made no sense 
Future Feeling by Joss Lake

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Um. This is an odd one. Just a constant mind fuck. Rating: Love = 4.5 stars 
Easy Tiger by Ali K. Mulford

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Great ADHD rep. Loved how Hawk kept thinking she was a mermaid and little things kept him thinking maybe she was 😅🤣

I know Finch's book is coming next but I'm REALLY looking forward to Dove's. We got to see way more of her this time round and she seems really nerdy and fun. I love seeing more of the family and reading how they all bond. 

Loved the little snippet at the end that
confirms Finch has a girl.

I just love the drama of the zoo and the shenanigans the characters get up to. Falling into the penguin pool? I can totally see that happening at some point.

Bring on book 3!

Free eARC provided by the author. This review is written voluntarily. 

The Summer Love Strategy by Ray Stoeve

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This was such a sweet book. As an aspec person I absolutely adore friends to lovers. 

Full of teenage feelings and big emotions. Perfect for those looking for a Queer YA book full of Queer joy. 

-Friends to Lovers
-Cis x Trans sapphic relationship
-Lesbian cis MC 
-Trans girl MC / demisexual/romantic
-Neurodivergent cast (anxiety, autism)
-Queer cast
-Big Summer vibes

Rating: Great! = 4 stars

I received this eARC from the publisher (Abrams Kids, Amulet Books) with the intention of reading and sharing an honest review

The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett

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1st RJB book. I’m hooked. A tree literally exploded out of someone

Our two main characters are very neurodivergent and queer.

Can’t wait for more

Rating: Great = 4 stars
Their Vicious Games by Joelle Wellington

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THIS BOOK IS SATIRE. if you go into it knowing that you’ll have a better time. Slow to start and had me questioning WHY I was reading it. Gets better and better with a great ending. 

Rating: Liked = 3.5
Mislaid in Parts Half-Known by Seanan McGuire

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Sumi is now officially my fav character. Rating: Loved = 4.5 stars