chivon's reviews
558 reviews

A Kingdom of Exiles by S.B. Nova

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I love the Fae world and all different takes on it . I enjoyed the authors point through this book and the different realms . I Cannot wait to see how the story un folds to the next book . I will be anticipating it . I loved the training and magic and characters very much . I recommend this book
Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol

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I am a huge Amy Bartol fan , and love this series so much . kricket is a strong leading lady who is trying figure out who she is . She goes thru so much and the journey is awesome throughout this book. I highly recommend it .
The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton

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I love the sugary sweetness of this tale . Where beauty is coveted above everything else in this story, camellia begins to see the cracks of which beauty can be faded. There is love and loss and beauty and betrayal throughout the story. I quickly was entranced with the main character camellia and love her journey throughout the series adventure and quickly went out and bought both books and have started the second book in the series and I’m finishing that now so I highly recommend these series books .
Queen of Sea and Stars by Anna McKerrow

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I really enjoyed this story and outlook on the fairy realm . Faye Morgan is a strong leading lady who is faced with indifference within herself, love , friendship , and moral decisions through this journey. I was apprehensive at first as the story started slow for me , but was quickly enthralled with the lovely portrayal of the Fae World and all the traditions . I loved the intertwining of characters throughout the book . I grew to love the characters quickly and love the portrait painted of the fairy Kings and Queens . I enjoyed this book very much and cannot wait to see what lies next for this series ! Thanks for the opportunity to read theu this ARC !
The Everlasting Rose by Dhonielle Clayton

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This follow up to The Belles sugary sweet tale of beauty is and epic read . I enjoyed this book and love the portrayal of life in luxury compared to life in the Gris ( the un beauties ) . Camilla is a sassy , smart , brave , and bold leading lady . She loves hard and has a grounds for good moral code . I enjoyed the Royals and Rebels and the path they all chose and the fates intertwined. The love Interest are sweet and was happy with the ending of this Duo !
Impossible Music by Sean Williams

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I was very excited to be allowed to receive this arc copy, I was automatically drawn in by the cover and once I read the synopsis I couldn’t wait to read it. I have always been interested in different disabilities or auto immune diseases, being a person belonging to one of those categories. I did love the knowledge that the book provided about the deaf community and The hearing impaired .
Upon reading I was quickly drawn in and did not take long for me to like the book and breeze through the book . I thought it was very well put together and I really enjoyed reading it.
I liked the flow of the book with how they broke down the conversations between the hearing impaired characters and the characters who could still here normally. I liked the way that they described Auslan ( Australian Deaf Community ) and how all the characters needed to use sign to survive and thrive .
Simon was recently diagnosed with a hearing impaired problem / disability and quickly had to divulge in a world where everything was silenced for him and he could not hear. He was coming from a world where he was used to hearing everything especially music. He adores music so much !
I myself for one , love music and really love how they portrayed that life is a song through their journey .
I felt for each character and grew to love them quickly and would definitely recommend this book to anyone needing self help, self-awareness, dealing with adjusting to a new life or disease or disability. I felt the information about all the disabilities was very well put together.
I like the story all around and how it began, the middle, and the end and will definitely recommend this book. Thank you so much for the opportunity of this book and the knowledge of the hearing impaired .
Cleo: Under the Surface by C.T. Barney

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I was drawn to this book by the cover and after reading the Synopsis I felt it would be a good read. I definitely liked Cleo as a character although she did frustrate me at times, but that’s the life of a teenage girl trying to fit in the conformity of normal peer pressure life. I loved her brother and thought he was a great mix to the story and had good humor. I loved Patrick the best friend and he was very sweet and loved his role in the books. I cannot wait to see what is in store next as The story continues so I will be awaiting the next books. I love the sci-fi appeal of this book and cannot wait to further explore that. I feel this book does a good job at approaching peer pressure, social conformity , dating pressure , and finding yourself in your teen years, I do recommend this book and look forward to seeing what happens to Cleo and the clan next .
When the Pipirite Sings: Selected Poems by Jean Métellus

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I thought this was a very detailed book and poem collection . It gave great insight into the the background and culture . I did find some to be a tad long , so almost losing focal point , but I did enjoy the read as well .