chloelovesmile4ever's reviews
247 reviews

Ghost Wall by Sarah Moss

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always looking for more bog body lit and this was a really cool take on it :)

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Classic Krakauer: Essays on Wilderness and Risk by Jon Krakauer

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I fucking love this guy. So satisfying to see what happens when a talented and passionate journalist just gets to go wherever he wants and write as much as he wants about it. His excitement and passion for climbing really comes through and it was so fun to read. A few misses here and there…mainly the one that’s just a rant about how people are too quick to sue huge equipment manufacturers when they get hurt on a mountain due to neglect or the product malfunctioning …. I was not convinced … but other than that the investigative reporting was thorough and compassionate and the stories were all set up so well
The Swallowed Man by Edward Carey

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somehow this is the second book I've read this year that I thought was about being swallowed by a whale but was actually about dead dads????? i didn't mind it this time though. maybe u just have to be lonely to get into the whale stomach mindset. plus i love u edward carey u crazy bitch 
Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite

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So beautifully written that I almost gave it 5 stars anyway but ultimately just way way way too much for me sorry if I’m a weak bitch who can’t handle the dark twisted mind of a killer but I have to draw the line somewhere and I’m drawing it at Jeffrey dahmer fanfiction
The Garden Against Time by Olivia Laing

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Ok olivia laing is not going to save me I’m giving up
Blackwater: The Complete Saga by Michael McDowell

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Yupppppppppp……..well yes……yes indeed……….why yes certainly of course