chluless's reviews
627 reviews

Winter Damage by Natasha Carthew

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I couldn't finish it. There was nothing wrong with it really, the writing was decent. The story just did not draw me in at all. I didn't care about the characters and I was forcing myself to read on. It dragged and felt draining.
Best Left in the Shadows by Mark Gelineau, Joe King

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For a short story, this book really packs a punch. It's brimming with a perfect blend of mystery and action, in a well constructed fantasy world with it's own rules and politics. The characters are all interesting and from the start there was a hidden history between Alys and Dax, explained subtly as the tale went on.

What really intrigued me about this story is the world it's set in. Society is split into two, Highside where the rich reside and Lowside where the politics are deadly and people deal in information, as a lone wolf or gangs. The setting really sold it to me, I would love to read more about it and how it all works.

The story itself is only 56 pages long but felt much longer. I picked up no plot holes and every word and scene was relevant. I was never bored, not once did I count how many pages were left.
I will definitely be reading book 2.

4 stars.

I received this book free through goodreads in exchange for an honest review. Thank you. It was a pleasure to read.

The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan

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Why Rick Riordan, why do you insist on tormenting readers this way. It was so dam sweet of Percy but GODS, this cannot be happening!

Mark of Athena is, in my opinion one of the best of all the PJO and HOO books. Now the seven are united and I would say roughly 80% of the book was action. Full of intense battles and escapes from impossible situations.

However, we see our favourite heroes find their weaknesses and they realise they cannot always save the day alone. In the words of Piper “Being a hero doesn’t mean you’re invincible. It just means that you’re brave enough to stand up and do what’s needed.”

The chapters are told from the perspectives of each of the seven, giving a valuable insight into their thought. Character development is deep, even if you don't like a character there will have been moments you admired them.

I feel like Annabeth, Piper and Leo really stole the show this time, making their way through impossible tasks alone or saving the others and really showing what they are capable of.

Old favourites like Nico and Coach Hedge make a comeback and Hazel and Leo discover how they are connected by the past and who Sammy turned out to be. The seven take the Argo II to new place outside of America, adventuring through the Mediterranean and the actual city of Rome.

There is so much to look forward to in Mark of Athena. I enjoyed each and every page. 5 stars from me. I can't wait to read House of Hades!