chrysalis's reviews
252 reviews

Anne of Windy Poplars by L.M. Montgomery

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Okay so this book was low key boring because hottie Blythe wasn’t in it. I did learn a very wise lesson from Anne. Anne was content with her life. In fact she loved it. At this point in my life I was itching to get away from the lame town I lived and in search of something beautiful. In search of a greater purpose. I wanted to travel somewhere and have it change my life and give me a purpose. As I read this book and look at the map at the end of the book I realized something. Anne was content with her life on her island. You never hear her say she’s longing to be out of green gables or even off her island. She said something so beautiful “I’ll drift on the lake of shinning waters...I’ll find and plot wild strawberries...I’ll join the dance of fireflies in lovers lane” this quote made me realize something. I don’t know my town like the back of my hand. Why am I leaving this place when I don’t even know it? There is so much to explore in this world, that even one town can take up a life time. So yea the great sequoias of Yosemite and the Grand Canyon are intriguing what about the little shops no one’s really visits or the family restaurant with a deep history. What about the way the sun shines in through your window illuminating the place in a warm golden light. What about the sunsets and it’s beautiful colors of blue and orange. What about the little things we never care to notice because we’re too distracted on leaving. Although Anne has said “dreaming about it is half the fun” we should also be in the moment and enjoy where we are. Now I am able to live at peace with myself and with this town. I will learn and enjoy all I need to until my destiny pulls me elsewhere.