cindysbooks's reviews
251 reviews

Qui sont les féministes? by Julie Guiol, Elodie Perrotin

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très bon livre, on apprend des choses, se posent des questions, on remet en cause ce qui nous entoure et comprend mieux tout ce qui tourne autour du féminisme. si vous en avez la chance, lisez le !
Envoûtée by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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at first I thought this book deserved 3,5 stars, as you know there’s no 3,5 on goodreads so i’ll give it 4 stars. why ? because nevertheless it deserves it.

the connection between the hero and the heroine, the love/hate relationship, the chemistry and complicity between them is incredible and as usual jla invented characters that are extraordinary and touching af

surely i laughed during my reading, but i admit that i also had tears in my eyes while closing the book. it was so great and addictive, i was enable to release the book until the end. damn yes I like it so much...

the only inconvenient was the plot, it was so predictable, i already knew the ending in the first hundred pages, i figured it out too soon and that was really annoying...

whatever i completely fell in love with lucian and gabe, i mean fuck are they even real ? (i guess they’re not it’s a book, but you probably see what i’m saying)

Troublée by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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As much as I liked it, I can’t help myself but put only 3 stars to this book. It was really good but I have to admit that I preferred the first book, the one with Lucian and Julia. Don’t get me wrong I fell in love with Gabe, he’s so passionate and caring with the people he loves, it broke my heart. Whereas I think that Nicolette was sometimes acting like a 13 years old girl, immature and childish but I got over it because I do have to admit it that, that girl’s story is really touching. With terms of their relationship, sometimes it was completely messed up but the chemistry between them, their connection to one another was so strong and powerful, it made me forget about it...

Finally, as for the first book, it is too much predictable, I suspected the story to take that twist. It’s certainly not the book of the year but it was really good and addictive !
Fascinée by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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i’ve just finished this book and wow it was pretty amazing.

i admit it, the first part was so slow I thought this last volume would deceive me as the second (the one with nikki and gabe) did, but I was so wrong.

the last part, the last 20% are so damn good, the revelations are linked together so beautifully and I thought this book was predictable but I promise you, I would have never imagined the end of it...

it would have been a 5 stars book if only the the plot hasn’t took so much time to be established, i was pretty bored in the first chapters, i even considered giving it up however I am so happy I haven’t ditch it...

this de vincent serie was really really good and I liked it, despite the slowness (mostly in the second volume) !
Origine by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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lots of unexpected twists and turns, i literally lost my mind trying to figure out what the hell was going on but damn it was incredible, and so gripping that i couldn’t stand to put this book down until the last freaking page

i also fell in love again with daemon (shocker), other than being funny and cute as hell, he was extraordinarily touching in this volume, his love for kat is so unique and special i was moved and had tears in my eyes

therefore, if you still haven’t read it, what are you waiting for ?!