cjenningspenders's reviews
30 reviews

Everything You Left Me by Paige Classey

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I'm typically not a fan of poetry. But Everything You Left Me hooked me from the first page. Each verse followed nicely, telling a complete story.

Having never read anything like this before, I didn't know what to expect. I found a wonderful surprise.

Can't wait to read the next book by Paige.
Tales From Another Dimension by Robbie Sheerin

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Robbie Sheerin’s Tales from another Dimension is a collection of short science fiction stories that explore words beyond our own.

The stories pose questions about our humanity and they all twist and turn in unexpected ways. I think Mr Sheerin has a bright future in the SF realm.
Take a look at this collection and see if you agree. I was pleasantly surprised.
Everything Will Be Okay by Dana Buckmir, Dana Buckmir

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An important book for everyone to read. Domestic violence comes in many forms, emotional and physical.

Everything Will Be Okay is one woman’s story of survival. Dana Buckmir is an engaging writer and even though Everything Will Be Okay is tough to read, she had me turning each page from start to finish.

With the help from her friends, Dana found her way through the turmoil she faced. She found strength she didn’t know she possessed and was able to walk away from the threats she faced.

This book was her catharsis and it will help so many who are struggling with the same challenges.

Read this book!
The Invisible Hour by Alice Hoffman

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I didn’t think anything Alice Hoffman wrote would surpass my feelings for The River King, long my favorite Hoffman book.

She did it with The Invisible Hour. Taking The Scarlet Letter, my favorite “classic” book as a stepping stone, Ms. Hoffman used the The Scarlet Letter to introduce Nathaniel Hawthorn as a writer before becoming known.

When I heard what this book was about I couldn’t wait to see how Hoffman would arrange the story. I think she did a fabulous job.

The Invisible Hour will now sit on top of The River King as my favorite Alice Hoffman book. A feat I didn’t expect or think possible.
Under the Great Elm: A Life of Luck & Wonder by Rich Flanders, Rich Flanders

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What a book! Everything Mr Flanders discussed here is right in my wheelhouse. The connectiveness of the world, the coincidences that aren't. The author's worldview lines up perfectly with my own.

Don't miss this book!
Alligator Rally: Probably a True Story by Chris Bergman

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Read this book in one sitting

Many story lines converge nicely in this well written book. Some vague similarities to Carl Hiaasen. I couldn't put the book down.

In one part of the story, we come across a couple who has been in the news recently and the author fit their story in like it belonged.

Did a nice job trying everything together. Recommend it highly
Ex'd Out: A Melanie Bass Mystery by Christine Falcone, Christine Falcone

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Addictingly readable. I could not put this book down. Fun to read about the town I live in with references to Hammonasset Beach.

The best way to describe Ex’d Out is as a medical mystery.

Gallows humor and suspense in all the right places.
I loved this book!

Pick it up and I guarantee you won’t want to stop until you reach the end. Can’t wait for the next in Melanie Bass series.
The 9 Lives of Marva DeLonghi by Jody J. Sperling, Jody J. Sperling

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Jody Sperling has a unique way of writing The 9 Lives of Marva Delonghi. I won’t give away the secret but to say I have never read it story as Mr Sperling has created.

Ground Hog Day, the Bill Murray movie comes to mind. I found myself intrigued and couldn’t stop reading. As often happens when I come across a book I am thoroughly engaged in, I want to continue reading to get to the end but I also want to savor every word and I don’t want the ride to end. So I slow way down because I love reading so much. That doesn’t happen often but it did occur with The 9 Lives of Marva Delonghi.

I already have Sperling’s next book on tap and I look forward to starting that soon.
Aphrodite's Brush: book 1 by Reese Quinn

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You HAVE to read this book!

I couldn't put this book down. Reese Quinn held my interest from the first page.

A few red herrings had me thinking something else. That's the sign of someone who knows what they are doing with words.

I haven't been so enthralled in a book in a while.

Aphrodite's Brush is a MUST read.
The 8 Ball Magic of Suzie Q. by Jody J. Sperling

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From a bang at the end of The Nine Lives of Marva… to this new chapter in the series you simply can’t go wrong with Jody Sperling. I can’t give anything away except that you must follow along with the people in the series.

You won’t be disappointed. I’d say you’d be disappointed if you didn’t.