clairedevo's reviews
42 reviews

Wildwood by Colin Meloy

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I read this book about 7 years ago when I was in middle school. I’m glad I decided to read it again, not only because I’d forgotten a lot about what happened but I enjoyed it a lot more the second time around. It’s a very descriptive book but I loved the plot and characters the most. And I think the beautiful illustrations served a wonderful purpose in terms of storytelling and world building. I love a book with maps so this was automatically right up my alley. I hope to continue the trilogy with Under Wildwood and Wildwood Imperium next. And Septimus the rat is my favorite character by far
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

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This book has meant so much to me for the past few months, and will continue to hold a dear place in my heart. This book is a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, but most importantly, a friend. From the wholesome childhood of the book’s first half to the growth and young adulthood in the second, Little Women has reminded me of the things I love about the world, myself, and relationships.
I is for Innocent by Sue Grafton

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Enjoyable throughout but the end was disappointing
J is for Judgment by Sue Grafton

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The thing about this book series is that it helps me get out of a reading slump because these books (A-J so far at least) are average and get the job done. I kind of got bored halfway through, but that’s to be expected when I start craving something that isn’t so predictable. I will say the ending was pretty interesting. With reliability comes less excitement.
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado

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This is the perfect story. If I could give this 6 stars I would. I am someone who once found short stories uninteresting and a waste of time but now after reading the husband stitch all I want is to read short stories. I get it now. This story reminded me of Mitski and confessional poetry in all the best ways and more. Read this PLEAsE