cmhall's reviews
103 reviews

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

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not me crying periodically throughout my fifth reread
Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur

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This was such a fun read. I absolutely devoured it and wanted more. Alexandria Bellefleur’s writing style immerses the reader in the story with funny and descriptive prose. I love Elle, I love Darcy, and most of all, I love their dynamic together. Something else to appreciate about this sapphic rom-com is that it doesn’t focus on coming out or homophobia. While those topics certainly have a place in queer lit, it’s refreshing to read a swoon-worthy love story about two queer girls falling in love and grappling with family expectations without turning it into a story of trauma. Let sapphics have love stories!
✨Read my full review here
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth

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Plain Bad Heroines is capital-G Gothic with some good spooky vibes. The narration is cool, and the actual craft of the novel is interesting. I'm definitely questioning some of the choices that were made, though. The structure wasn't always totally effective, and did that many queer women have to die in one book? Still, I think plenty of readers will enjoy this book.

Read my full review at The Sapphic Bookshelf! ✨

Thank you William Morrow for providing a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.