coldasyou's reviews
364 reviews

Holding the Reins by Paisley Hope

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i received this arc in exchange for an honest review. 🩵

i really wanted/expected to love this but i’m really disappointed. it felt as though there was no real plot and a lot of information was dumped at the beginning with no real natural flow/development.

i understand this is an unedited proof so i expect it will be refined before publication. the beginning just felt all over the place and although it did begin to make sense, there was no main plot keeping me invested. 

i love cowboy romances but this felt like an extreme attempt to cater to both hockey romance & cowboy romance tiktok audiences without really making any sense. 

overall this definitely had potential but wasn’t for me
False Start by Kandi Steiner

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Did not finish book.
not feeling it
What Saves Us by Maggie C. Gates

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single mum romance with amazing mental health rep!!!
Girl Friends by Holly Bourne

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a heart-wrenching story about female friendships, mental health & so much more. this will stay with me for a long time. 
Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood

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didn’t really go in with any expectations but this is defo a lot worse than her previous books. felt like too much smut and not enough plot imo