collinmk's reviews
21 reviews

Dune by Frank Herbert

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I really loved Dune. It took watching five hours of Timothee Chalamet to convince me to read this book, but I'm glad he did. Thanks Timmy. :*

Favourite Quote:  
"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."
George Orwell's 1984 An Audible Original adaptation by George Orwell

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I have never read the original work, even so this one is going to stick with me for a long time. The Audible original adaptation's cast was phenomenal and a large part for my high rating.

Favourite Quote:
"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought."
The Downloaded by Robert J. Sawyer

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Interesting concept, but shallow execution. Brendan Fraser just being in the cast probably added half a star.

Favourite Quote:
Nothing notable in this one for me, but felt weird leaving out this section here.
Babel by R.F. Kuang

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 I REALLY want to love this book. The magic system, world building, colonialism commentary, and prose are all incredible. The issue for me is the pacing during the middle of the book. I felt like I was constantly pushing through mud to get to the next part of the story during the studying portion of this book. Regardless, this book is definitely worth a read and allows for great discussion on British colonialism and its global effects.
Favourite Quote:
"English did not just borrow words from other languages; it was stuffed to the brim with foreign influences, a Frankenstein vernacular. And Robin found it incredible, how this country, whose citizens prided themselves so much on being better than the rest of the world, could not make it through an afternoon tea without borrowed goods."
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

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So glad I went into this book blind. The main surprise of this book makes up for all of the cringe dialogue and caricatured side-characters completely.

Favourite Quote:
"Fist me!"
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

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This book picks up the pace from the prior book and does not stop cooking. The ending is perfect, with zero ends left untied. This book provides incredible payoff for all of the "work" you did reading the prior two.

Favourite Quote:
"I've found that if you give up what you want most for what you think you should want more, you'll just end up miserable."
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson

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There are definitely flaws in this book: Basic dialogue, overly plucky protagonists, characters with little to no depth. I choose to ignore all of these. If you just let yourself have fun with this one, you'll have a great time. It had me kicking my feet over and over again.

Favourite Quote:
"Those people gave in to their pain because they couldn’t find purpose—their torture was meaningless, and when you can’t find reason in life, you tend to give up on it."
Circe by Madeline Miller

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Took me a few chapters to get into this one. The writing is beautiful, and this take on Circe's story was engaging the entire time.

Favourite Quote:
 "He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend that I had none.” 
The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson

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A little slower than the previous in the series, one character addition that I didn't care for, but still has everything else I've learned to love by Sanderson.

Favourite Quote:
"Religions are promises--promises that there is something watching over us, guiding us."
The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

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This book kick started my love for fantasy. Although the prose is undeniable simple and the characters are a bit on-the-nose, the world-building more than makes up for it. The Final Empire is a satisfying read on it's own, and an even more satisfying read after you finish the series. 

Favourite Quote:
"'Belief?' 'Yes,' Sazed said. 'Tell me, Mistress. What is it that you believe?' Vin frowned. 'What kind of question is that?' 'The most important kind, I think.'"