constantin's reviews
458 reviews

The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket

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And yet another great book from this series :) They are so nice to read, easy and light.
501 Must-Read Books by Emma Beare

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A book about books! What else could a book lover have in their library :)
I found a lot of great books to read and it make me look forward to more knowledge and adventures!
The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket

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Another light good read from this series. Didn't like it as much as the previous ones though.
Not sure if this is because of it being not as good or the fact that the series seem to be very repetitive.
Another event that the orphan have a bad carer and that the adults are completely incompetent... Feels like the low point so far.
The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket

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This was good :) Made up for the previous book of the series that was quiet disappointing.
I really liked that it was a bit different than the previous books and that it had a nice plot twist in it .
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

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This book is a great read! I love the way it takes you back to the past times. Made me think of so many things and brought up many emotions.
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

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Nice story, great book BUT it didn't manage to capture me.
I don't know if it was the pace or the plot, but at times I found myself reading and my mind wondering on my groceries shopping list etc. Probably not too interesting I guess?
To me it falls to the category of:

"Another good book that fails to catch my attention and I can't wait to finish it to move to the next one".
Vargic's Miscellany of Curious Maps by Martin Vargic

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An excellent book for a light read and to give you some "fuel" for thinking. It has all sorts of different facts and very interesting content.
I really liked the unfolding maps and I was amazed to find the grand map at the end of the book.
Very well made, shows that the author did hard work in the research and creation of it.

The only "negative" thing I found about this book, is that in some of the maps, some letters are so tiny that they could not be printed correctly, thus you cannot even read them with a magnifying glass. I wish I could see the digital copies of the maps and get all the details :)
501 Must-Visit Natural Wonders by A. Findlay, Jackum Brown, David Brown

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A really well made book that will give you lots of ideas about holiday and adventure destinations.
Well, for once, it gave me great ideas to add to my Travel Bucket-list.

I know that these things can be found on thousands of articles online BUT a book is always better !
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

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Absolutely Brilliant!
I loved reading this book. It is so random, delightful and fun. There is a great balance between imagination, logic and absurdity. The movie didn't do it justice, but now I can't wait to read the rest of the books. Just finished it half an hour ago and I've already started the second one :)
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams

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I LOVED this book! It is soooo absurd and smart at the same time that is perfect!
It is "funny" how it makes you laugh at stuff but at the same time really makes you think of important things ending up in an existential crisis! hahahah

To be honest, the absurdity of this book kinda seems more plausible than being alone in the universe!