coralinejones's reviews
372 reviews

Big Time by Ben H. Winters

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Okay. Whatever the hell that was.
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone, Amal El-Mohtar

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Sorry. My rating is entirely based on my enjoyment of the story, which was not at all. Not even a little bit. The writing style, while gorgeous, was very hard to understand and follow. I literally stopped caring, and stopped trying to fully understand, less than halfway through. I continued since the book is so short, and so well loved, I assumed it would get better. I mean, it had to, and I wanted it to, because all things considered is a book I'd usually fall in love with. I couldn't find it in me to have any empathy for Red or Blue; I found that, for the plot and concept of this book, it would be WAY more interesting to read about it. This was so boring and a little pretentious to me. I'm so sorry. I truly couldn't wait for this to be over. 
A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson

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Oh. My God....... I aspire to write just like this. I love this book so much I don't even have anything to say. Vampire lovers NEEEED to read this. Nothing but a beautiful, poetic, erotic, masterpiece. New favorite read. Perhaps my new favorite author??
The Lost Village by Camilla Sten

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
so fucking boring. barely anything happens
So Thirsty by Rachel Harrison

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Kind of disappointing. I didn't care for any of these characters, they were all annoying. There wasn't enough "vampireness" in my opinion. Not enough horror, not enough lore; not sure if humor was intended here, but nothing was funny to me. I liked the overall concept but I personally believe this could've been executed waaaaay better. 
This Wretched Valley by Jenny Kiefer

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It was okay. Didn't really care about any of the characters to feel any sort of emotions about them when shit hit the fan. It's definitely creepy but we never find out why. That isn't inherently terrible but I would've liked to know. This has the ambiance of a bad found footage film; this can be really charming for some, but I'm not a fan of found footage movies. Do with that what you will.

The first few pages were not it. I considered moving onto something else. Then the horrors began and I was intrigued, then it got incredibly repetitive and a little boring. The writing here isn't grand by any measure. All of this was just "meh".