coralinejones's reviews
374 reviews

I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
I'm sorry but this novel is so boring. It's interesting to be inside the mind of a Michael Meyers'-like killer but the execution of this concept does not work here. Maybe it's because I don't care about any of these characters, especially the protagonist, in any capacity. Maybe it's because I find slashers more interesting when we know nothing about them. Just a deranged individual set out to kill as many people as possible just because. The mystery of these characters from the point of view of the prey is what really drives me to slasher movies and novels, to be honest. 

Not to mention, I've tried reading Jones' other works and I think I've come to the conclusion that his writing just isn't for me. Which is okay!
Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel

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Absolutely hated the pacing of this novel. Some parts were really entertaining and caught my attention and others made me want to DNF it. I would've, but I'm on a mission to finish everything I read this year
Mothtown by Caroline Hardaker

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I had a hard time figuring out what was going on half the time. Hardarker's writing is very pretty but the actual story didn't really go anywhere in my opinion and didn't make for an enjoyable read despite the creepy atmosphere. I enjoyed the eerie "After" chapters more than the backstory of the "Before" chapters and had hoped the book would feel like the first chapter again as the plot revealed itself but it never really came. 
The Memory Police by Yōko Ogawa

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Such an odd, bare bones, novel. The beginning was absolutely stellar. I swear to you I could envision the environment as if I was living in the world with those characters. This isn't a thriller by any means, but I was thrilled to uncover why society has melted into this dystopian nightmare where we forget our memories and must dispose of our beloved objects.

Yet that never came?

The story progressed and we barely obtained any information on... anything. (No world building, barely any character development), and then it just ends on such an abstract note. I don't mind "plot-less" books, I don't mind weird books! But "The Memory Police" almost felt like a complete waste of time. I'm still figuring out what I was supposed to get out of this narrative.

At first I was trying to connecting dots to maybe political commentary on book burning / book banning? Nazis? Police riots? Governments trying to control their citizens? None of those felt right as the book continued, all but the last one made just a little bit of sense all things considered.

I also wasn't a fan of the protagonists novel, of which we were forced to read snippets of at the beginning of some chapters. Considering I was looking for more information on  this society, the Memory Police themselves, etc, it was overwhelmingly uninteresting to me in comparison. Then the books ends with no additional context.

I don't know if you're planning on reading this to learn, to gain a new perspective, or simply for entertainment value but I don't think this book provides any of those things so... Do with that as you will.

All that aside, the writing is engaging and it does make you curious for more, even if it never comes.
Minor Detail by Adania Shibli

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Horrific and terrifying. A hard, but necessary read. Unbelievable that Palestinians must live like this. A striking exploration at the life of Palestine and those who wish to colonize it. 

Free Palestine.
The Power by Naomi Alderman

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
Author is a zionist. 
Friday Black by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

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A lot of these stories suck, unfortunately. The only one that had some weight to me was "The Finkelstein 5"
Big Swiss by Jen Beagin

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 6%.
Sorry. What is the point of this? + The random Asian racism?! I get that these people are supposed to be insufferable but the plot and writing style is taking the cake, really