coralinejones's reviews
374 reviews

Ziggy, Stardust and Me by James Brandon

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The writing style in this book is abysmal.

I also feel uncomfortable that a white author wrote this, given the slurs and heavy racism explored in this novel.
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

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I don't know how I made it until the end. I wanted to DNF this multiple times, yet each time I saw how far I was into the story I figured I'd keep going. Unfortunately for me this was a waste of time.

The premise is gorgeous, gothic, absolutely haunting; everything about this story SCREAMS me. However, it seemed to fall short on everything it promises. Not too fond of the pacing in this book, didn't really care for any of the characters, nor was it an easy task to decipher who was who. They all sort of blended together after a while.

Not to mention the lack of world building for my personal taste. I felt as though we were thrown into this world expected to know everything and the book never made a habit to fill in the blanks.

I understand why everyone enjoys this so much, however, this just wasn't for me. I don't see myself perusing the rest of the series.
Dead Girls Walking by Sami Ellis

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
The writing just isn't for me. I had a hard time following the events of the story and didn't care enough about any of the characters, especially Temple, to march through the rest of the story. It's like the author had a bunch of thoughts and the second another popped into their mind they began frantically writing the scene without any flow or narrative 
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson

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Someone compared this book to Nancy Drew and I would have to agree! I had fun.
Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert

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MY POOR CHANI? I hate book Chani, honestly, so as I was reading I was viewing this as Zendaya's Chani, and the possible changes that'll be made in the next movie. With that in mind, the end did devastate me as the acting between Paul and Chani in the Dune movies is just so good and realistic. If it stays the same or anything similar I WILL be in that theater screaming
Funny Story by Emily Henry

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It was cute. It was fun. Nothing too special. I like mess, I like drama