coralinejones's reviews
413 reviews

Dances by Nicole Cuffy

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 17%.
there's a character in this from Israel and ykw. i'm just not in any mood rn
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

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i love you britney spears. thank you for having the courage for releasing your story. i'm nothing more than proud that she was able to hold out for so long despite being abused for years and years. every day i hope she gets better and better. i have nothing but love and support for her. throughout my read all i wished to do was give her the biggest hug in the world. i love her sooooo, so, so, so much.
A Flicker in the Dark by Stacy Willingham

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Very predictable. I figured it out more or less like 50 pages into this book. Still, this was extremely entertaining and well-written. I got Gillian Flynn vibes a bit. Dark Places but not as grimy.
The Black Queen by Jumata Emill

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I wanted to like this a lot more. I tried to keep an open mind while reading The Black Queen, but by the end I realized I didn't care as much as I originally had. This book is well written, I liked all the black protagonists, I love murder-mysteries so that aspect wasn't the issue either. But, still, this fell flat for me.

I thought this would be a black, Carrie-esq type of novel. What I got instead was more like "The Hate You Give" except set during homecoming. This is a duel POV murder-mystery where we read more through the lens of an annoying, white protagonist who shouldn't have been as forgiven as she was. Seriously, she was terrible. Her "redemption" did not feel believable and I wish she got punched more than once while reading. Sorry.

I felt... bamboozled, for a lack of a better term. The cover has a black girl on it, the first main character we met was a gay black girl, and even though I knew Nova was going to die (kinda what the whole point of the hook is about) I was not expecting to read this little annoying white girl run around the hood being a pest towards the grieving black families trying to clear her name. Whole thing put a sour taste in my mouth.

Also, and this was just my own fault, I wasn't really in the mood to read a race piece. I'm in a horror / Halloween type of mood and this just wasn't it at all.

Still worth reading / recommending. I would love to read more from this author. I think they do a great job at making characters and developing the world they live in. Just wish this hit a bit more for me.
Sign Here by Claudia Lux

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i might've finished this in a day but i can't, with confidence, say i loved this. i mean, it was a page turner, and there were elements of the story i liked a lot, but the ending kind of fell apart for me and i didn't enjoy how long it took for the two plots to merge.

i found myself caring about the family drama more than whatever was going on in hell.

not to mention i pretty much guessed the ending to finishing the book felt kind of pointless. and i hated lily so reading about her just annoyed me.