coralinejones's reviews
372 reviews

Medea by Rosie Hewlett

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
I just don't care
One Week in Paradise by Anise Starre

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i just lost so many brain cells
Children of Virtue and Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi

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Hmm. Nah. I didn't like this as much as the first. The direction felt all over the place here and I felt as though I was reading all new characters. The characters I enjoyed last book got on my last nerve here; where they worked together last book and felt like a found family were now all??? Acting super arrogant and off putting towards each other thinking they each know what's best for the kingdom? I wanted to enjoy this way more than I did but.. Yeah
Rakesfall by Vajra Chandrasekera

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
This is nonsensical 
Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou

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Crazy and interesting.

I knew of this story vaguely from a few years ago! I didn't know this book would be about Elizabeth Holmes prior to picking it up, so it kept my interest since I already had some knowledge on what was being written about. That aside, learning about how manipulative and fraudulent Holmes was, was just... Wow. I can't fully put into words how I feel about it overall. It's almost like watching a car crash take place on a highway. I'm almost in disbelief that this was able to go on for so long.

I'm giving this 4 stars instead of 5 because there was a bit too much detail that didn't really do much for the overall narrative in my opinion. I didn't need to know what restaurants investors ate at or the details of random employees appearance. The rest is so well researched. A true page turner. I'm happy Holmes is spending time in prison lol
The Kill Factor by Ben Oliver

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Hunger Games you will always be famous
Geek Love by Katherine Dunn

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 17%.
I refuse to slog through this.
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

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I had fun but also?!!(&?&( Lmao???? This was like watching a live action adaptation of a Disney classic. Both good and bad. Entertaining enough but not as good as the source material.

In this case, the source material being The Hunger Games and many well written fantasy based media that has came before it. 

And in my opinion? The last act was so confusing to me. So many, "actually I'M THE VILLAIN!" moments I was like literally what the hell is going on.... Well I may continue the series ngl
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

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I had so much fun with this book, oh my goodness. What a fun adventure. There was something epic going on, on every page. The magic system is EVERYTHING, the setting is so beautiful and atmospheric, I really enjoyed every character including the villains. I loved this book so much I stopped in the middle of my reading to make a Pinterest board for it. This is the real deal.

I adore how the author doesn't hold anything back. The characters are so unapologetically apart of and in tuned to their culture. The villains are ACTUAL villains but are still layered and not corny. Our protagonists have such a realistic dynamic as they endure all these negative aspects of their journey. It's so entertaining.

The only reason this book isn't a 5 star read is because at one point I thought the characters started to bleed into each other a bit. This novel has multiple points of view, and sometimes, I would forget whose eyes I'm reading through because they talk so similarly to one another.

Other than that, no notes. Everyone read this now. 
The Reformatory by Tananarive Due

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Wow. I don't have anything to say. Just read this. My goodness...