court_of_stars's reviews
598 reviews

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

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Words do not begin to describe all that is the introductory book to the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness. "A Discovery of Witches" impressed me with the unique scholarly aspect of alchemy histories and those that live supernaturally in the regular world.

This novel swept me off my feet from the beginning. Harkness added depth of character and developed a magical world that I couldn't get enough of. The main characters are unique and each side character has their own personalities that directly impact the story.

The use of magic (or the lack in some cases) is tasteful and intriguing in every sense. If you enjoy fiction, if you like supernatural topics (vampires, witches, daemons), if you like history/studying, then this book is for you.

I am so excited to delve into book two!

Right. This. Very. Moment!

Happy Haunting!
American Drifter by Heather Graham

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One star, and I'm being ridiculously generous.

A little background. "American Drifter" caught my eye at the library because I am a fan of Chad Michael Murray's acting. On the CW show "One Tree Hill" Murray's character Lucas Scott also wrote a book and it seemed magical. I decided to give it a shot. Because how bad could it be? Famous author plus creative actor....

I have never read any of Heather Graham's other books. She has written more than 100, so she must be doing something right... right? I don't know how much contribution Graham added to this novel. I have no idea how this got through editors and was released to the public.

The best way I can describe this novel is a cross between a third grade research paper (you know the ones where you basically just copy facts from the encyclopedia) and a Kindergarten/First Grade learning to read book. I absolutely wish I were joking.

On page 31 of the novel, they write: "He looked at the dog. The dog looked at him and wagged his tail. It was a big tail."

The main character is one dimensional. There is nothing thrilling in this thriller. The ending was blah. The writing was juvenile, no, it was less than that. It makes me wonder about the process this book went through. How much editing had been done before publication? Was there so much that the editor decided to give up half way? "Meh, good enough."

You would think with my above review that I should have given this one star. On any other book this terrible I might, but here's the kicker. This novel was so bad in every obvious way that it became comical. I would openly read off the horrible repetitious lines and have a good laugh with my husband.

I cannot in good conscience recommend this book as a must read book, ever. That is of course, unless you are looking for a "what not to do when writing a novel" read.

Happy reading friends! And do not worry CMM, I'll still watch your acting after this!
The Good Daughter by Karin Slaughter

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This was my first book by Karin Slaughter, and the first book of 2019 for the Badassery Book Club (BBC) Alice and I created last year.

I finally picked a winner!

The story was dark and twisty. Slaughter did a ridiculous job about constantly hitting these cliffhangers/roadblocks by sharing a traumatic event and then switching to another characters point of view for 100+ pages.

I will definitely read more of her work in the future.

Happy reading!
Two for the Dough by Janet Evanovich

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3.5 stars.

While I both enjoyed the humor and mystery in this novel, I found it lacking a lot of depth.

I am completely convinced that Stephanie’s grandmother needs her own series. She is unpredictable and hilarious. Absolutely the star of the entire book for me, although I did enjoy the continued tension between Stephanie and Morelli. That being said, it probably won’t end well for those two.

Easy and fun read.

Happy Reading!
One for the Money by Janet Evanovich

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3.5 stars

A very light and fun read. Slightly predictable mystery. Really enjoyed the characters and like the chemistry between Stephanie and Morelli.

Will definitely continue with this series.

Happy reading!
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

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2.5 stars

Hate it?: I didn’t hate it.
Love it?: I didn’t love it.
Horror: none.
Suspense: Maybe one scene, and that is a stretch.
Overall: some interesting use of language and description. I felt as though I was told the entire story instead of having it be shown.
Recommend to a friend: Not a close friend.

Happy reading!
Predator's Gold by Philip Reeve

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The second installment in the Hungry Cities chronicles was surprising. This book delved deeper into the world of moving cities and expanded my mind.

Without spoiling, there were several unexpected surprises that after they were announced made perfect sense. The character development continued as more characters were added.

What I liked:

-concept of setting
-twists that tie things together

What I didn’t like:

-Hester’s jealousy
-The telling at the end when the subtle “showing” before hand was more than enough.

Overall enjoyable. I will be continuing this series.

Happy Reading!
The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings of Authenticity, Connections and Courage by Brené Brown

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4.5 stars.

Possibly my favorite Brené Brown book to date. This was mostly a six session guidebook on how to embrace vulnerability and live your life to the fullest.

The only reason I took a half a star off was not being able to see this event and the visuals the author was doing while speaking.

Nothing major. I will very likely listen to this again in the future.
Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve

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I read a lot of reviews that didn’t like this book; however, I happened to quite enjoy it. They first book in a series tends to spend a lot of time introducing characters and building a world, which this one did well.

There are many interesting and unique characters throughout and I found the concept compelling. Will I go see the movie? Probably not. Will I read more in the series? Definitely.

I don’t get caught off guard a lot, but there were a few spots that truly surprised me, and for that I am thankful and excited to read more.
Married by Morning by Lisa Kleypas

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I love the Hathaway’s. I love Lisa Kleypas.

Interestingly enough, the Leo/Catherine story line was the one I was least looking forward to, and it might just be my favorite thus far.

I am not a ferret person, but for serious, I’d consider it if they could promise me Dodger.

Sad and excited to be starting the final book in the series tomorrow.