crazymom414's reviews
245 reviews

The Family Bones by Kimberly Raiser

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This book was okay. It was a really quick read. At the beginning, I thought this was going to be an awesome horror book but then it took a turn there and I kind of got lost in all the sci-fi stuff.
Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

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Great book! Can't wait to see the movie ;)
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

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Ugh...I love these books! Great book!
Don't Make Me Choose Between You and My Shoes by Dixie Cash

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This was book was okay. It took me a little while to get through it because I've been really busy. It's about women from Texas and I couldn't read it without the twangiest Texas accent coming into my
The Hot Flash Club by Nancy Thayer

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This was a pretty good book. It's about 4 menopausal women and their fears and things they do to overcome obstacles. I think there is a 2nd book and I will be sure to read it also.
The Overnight Socialite by Bridie Clark

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I REALLY like this book, more than I thought I would. I just kind of grabbed it at the library. The characters are great and so is the story line. It's about a social experiment that a rich guy decides he wants to do, turn a nobody into a socialite overnight. Very interesting :D
Moon Shell Beach by Nancy Thayer

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I absolutely love heart warming books like this. The ending was so good that I cried. It's about 2 best friends who grow up on Nantucket and it is just great! I definitely recommend.
Bookends by Jane Green

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This is one of those books that I read and think, "This should be made into a movie." The main character reminds me of the Shopaholic series. It is also set in England. It's about a group of friends who start off in college together and then fast forwards 10 years. Their lives have changed, they've made new friends, and lost touch with old ones. It's just a really great book.
Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

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Love, love, love this book. This is the second time I have read it. i wanted to read it again before I saw the movie and I have to say I was really disappointed with the movie!! The book is ten times better. It is just amazing.
The Pact: A Love Story by Jodi Picoult

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Good book as always from one of my favorite authors. It didn't end like I thought it would so it surprised me a bit.