cryscross's reviews
79 reviews

An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde

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need tommy to keep proposing so that mabel can keep giving long overdramatic speeches rejecting him
Three Guineas by Virginia Woolf

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woolf is witty as always but it's so ironic that this entire novel is predicated on the fact that daughters of educated men are the least powerful of all women
Rutherford and Son by Githa Sowerby

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i need the final deal to be played out debate-style by my high school mock trial team
Lucky Wreck: Poems by Ada Limón

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nice to read her debut, even though it falls quite flat compared to her others
Trelawny of the 'Wells by Arthur Wing Pinero

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devastatingly romantic to abandon your life to pursue your fiancé's one and live in her world despite knowing how hopeless of an endeavor it is... arthur gower you're a real one
Why Men Fight by Bertrand Russell

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god i'm not cut out for this philosophy shit!
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino

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calvino could give murakami a real run for his money in terms of who sucks more at writing women
An Octoroon by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins

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truly wish i could see this one performed
The Octoroon by Dion Boucicault

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killing yourself over a white man... zoe how could you
Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century by Kim Fu

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bliss montage but better... sorry not sorry. standouts here are "pre-stimulation consultation XF007867," "#climbingnation," and "june bugs"