cyisreading's reviews
68 reviews

Bunny by Mona Awad

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I'm not entirely sure what the hell I read but this book was not good.
Hooked by Emily McIntire

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This book has so much hype on both Tiktok and Twitter. So I decided to give it a read. Now, I did enjoy the book enough to finish it. However, I didn't enjoy the style enough to continue on in the series. I know they're different stories, but Hooked just wasn't interesting enough for me. I wish there was more to Hook and his background. A deeper dive into his need for revenge. And a much longer time with him and Wendy at the beginning. I mean, it was barely a breath between them meeting and him rubbing her dad's face in it. I was expecting him to be cold on the inside but make Wendy fall head over heels and having her bring him home to her dad or something.
The Perfect Child by Lucinda Berry

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My jaw is on the floor! I couldn't tell you how many times I wrote "Demon Child" throughout the book while annotating. I was very excited to read one of Lucinda Berry's books and she did not disappoint. I was iffy about The Perfect Child because it's on booktok and more often than not, it's not as great as the hype. However, this book was! I didn't want to set this book down. When I finally reached the end, I had to keep sitting the book down to take a break and process what I just read. Whether or not Janie is actually possessed by a demon is up for debate. I genuinely think she's some sociopathic child you'd find on an episode of Criminal Minds. This was a really great book and I highly recommend. Also, RIP Blue.
Dark Halls by Jeff Menapace

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**some spoilers**

I was drawn to this book by the cover. Everyone said it was a horror classic and some labeled it better than Stephen King himself. I will admit that listening to this was like watching a horror movie. While lengthy, I was missing something. I wanted more creepyness, more horror. I feel like most of it was about Ryan having a mission because he was the chosen one. At the beginning, I was expecting something more sinister. It was kind of disappointed that it was just dark magic. Dark magic being conducted by a heir of some evil woman 200 years ago. It's a 'been there done that' vibe which is why I suppose I wasn't all that impressed. However, that doesn't mean the book was bad or that the author did a bad job. It hooked me enough that I kept going back to know what the heck was going on. Even more to figure out who it was. But the end was just kind of meh. I just was expecting... more. But that's a personal thing!! I was wanting more sinister plot. But that doesn't mean Jeff Menapace didn't do an amazing job writing a book as great as this. Like I said, it was like having a movie playing in my head!
Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison

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I... was not expecting to like this book. I read it in a day!! It was so intriguing every step of the way that I couldn't put it down. I did put be off that his 'first time' was with an unconscious girl. Rape is awful and I just hate when it's in movies and books. And the scene with the dead baby... incredibly gruesome and one hell of a visual. I thought Aron's 'Playground' was bad but this has taken it to a new level with just that scene. Everyone was worried about the skull fucking but by the time you get to that part (which is the last two pages of the book), it doesn't phase you. At least it didn't bother me. I will say this is a book I'd like a physical copy of it and re-read it sometime.
Shared by Two by Jon Athan

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What..the..fuck... did I just read?? - NOT FOR THE WEAK!! 

This book puts "Playground" by Aron B. to shame, really. The power drill scene in particular. Going in, I was just expecting some thriller about a stalker fan, but boy was I WRONG. Now I did not see the warning page, because I have my kindle set to skip all of that. It still wasn't enough to prepare you for what you were about to read. The first chapter was disgusting off the bat. If you're someone who loves gore and torture, this book is for you!! It was an interesting read from the author (in the book) descending slowly into madness from him to when he finally comes face to face with Butterfly. I did not expect the ending at all. Honestly was a good read.
Court of the Vampire Queen by Katee Robert

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Now... I knew it was a smut read going into this. I was looking for vampire smut and this was perfect for what I was looking for. So I won't hold that against it as much. With that being said... I felt like I was reading a wattpad story rather than something from a published author. I have read these tropes before so it is hard to impress me. Considering this book is 500 freaking pages, it all went to fast and there wasn't enough build up. I hate slow burn romance but I hate a ludicrously quick one even more. A woman forced to live with a man because of xyz reason. Seen it. Right? She was planning to fight, to resent this vampire she's forced to be a blood bank and womb to. And they're fucking and catching feelings the next day? Where's the drive and dignity Mina had in the first chapter? Not even living there for a couple of days and we're having a threesome, few days later a foursome. Really? Come on. And then, just to have a reason to continue the smut - because that is the purpose of this book, not an actual story - she needs to get pregnant to kill her scary father. And that another thing!! Why are we building up for this showdown the ENTIRE FUCKING BOOK just for it too end so easily. What the fuck were we building up to??? Wasn't he suppose to be all powerful and they couldn't think of a plan to kill him? And then suddenly, just remembering Rayln's words, not even really being scared in the first place, Mina can SUDDENLY use her powers on her own without any training and kill her father with just a few swipes at the neck. Be so fucking for real. That honestly may be why I'm quite pissed and rated this book so lowly. Because we all know it's a smut book, there's no qualm in that, but if you're going to try and force a poorly written storyline in there, at least fucking TRY. 500 pages. And this is how the book ends? PLEASE.

With all of that being said, the polyam romance/smut plot was good. If more was built on that, I'd appreciate the book more. Perhaps making the bond and her powers more of the focus. Then like the next book can focus on her training and defeating her father. The three vampires are lovely. I just with there was more. More background on her new loves, more turmoil when it comes to her powers and their relationship. Despite it being 500 freaking pages it all went in like a blink of an eye.

I may become generous when I think about it more and bump it up to a three star rating.